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英语论文范文 关于泛读 on extensive reading

Speaking of reading, people have differentopinions toward it. Some believe we should read selectively for we can getspecific knowledge from certain books. Some hold that we should readextensively for getting more knowledge. Standing on my point of view, I’mconvinced that people should read extensively to obtain a wide range ofknowledge.

First of all, reading extensively canenrich us more. For most people, they just have very limited knowledge aboutour life. If they just read certain books for specific knowledge, then theywill know less about our life. On the contrary, if we read extensively, we canget a wide range of knowledge and know how to deal with things in many cases.

Secondly, we can develop more interest byextensive reading. Only if we read a lot, we can obtain more knowledge aboutvarious things. Hence we can find what we are interested in and get moreinterests through reading extensively. Selective reading, however, people maycan’t find their interest or just have one interest.

Thirdly, more chances are available byextensive reading. In modern society, if you are versatile, then you arepopular among companies. For companies, they need versatile talents who haveabundant knowledge to do things considering the big picture.

In conclusion, by the analysis above, I’mconvinced that we should read extensively for the good of our future.

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