英国宗教论文代写 上帝

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当他认识到上帝在每个人身上的特质,包括“怜悯、怜悯、和平和爱”。这表明布莱克是一个强烈的平等信仰者,并意识到每个人都拥有同样的地位,无论他们的经济地位如何,因为“每个人,每一分钱”都被他们崇拜的上帝视为一样的。布莱克似乎最喜欢和欣赏“神圣的人类形态”,他指的是耶稣基督,因为他在启示中受到崇拜。耶稣穿着衣服,头上画着光环,象征着他的崇高地位,把他和下面裸体躺着的两个人区分开来。但是裸体人放松的姿势和姿态表明布莱克在耶稣面前很舒服,因为他有同样的平等和社会正义的价值观。延伸的树枝和天使在树顶成对出现的图像,类似于布莱克在佩克姆黑麦(Peckham Rye)田里看到的景象,他“看到一棵闪闪发光的树”,酷似天使[12]。黄金被大量用于强化神性和圣洁的观念,不仅是在上帝本身,而且那些俯身拥抱的人或天使也被涂上了黄金,显示出爱与和平的丰富。在《人类摘要》的第一节中,布莱克的判断被怜悯和怜悯所笼罩,他看不到爱与和平。布莱克认为,如果消除贫困和歧视,怜悯和怜悯“将不复存在”。然而,布莱克指责社会“使某些人在经济上和意志上贫穷”,让社会上的其他人为了自己的道德利益而自私地感到可怜和怜悯,这突出了社会的缺陷。但是,由于社会的大多数是由宗教信仰构成的,布莱克还指责宗教强加了“共同的恐惧”,迫使人们遵循一种制度,使他们显得道德和善良。这有一个持续的连锁效应,是模仿每一个押韵对句。那些“流泪流泪”的人是被对地狱火的恐惧所诱导的,这是由“人类大脑”发展出来的概念。因此,这不是人类的错,因为诗歌的主题创造了一个充满恐惧和欺骗的世界,造成了模棱两可和“神秘”。由此,以“渡鸦”为象征的有关黑魔法的谣言便不攻自破,制造了更多的恐慌。结果,布莱克证明了这些迷信都在这里——比如说,它们与宗教没有任何关系,但正是人类的大脑将两者联系起来,产生了一种玷污了传统和公正宗教的文化。

英国宗教论文代写 上帝

as he recognises the qualities of God found in each person, consisting of “mercy, pity, peace and love”. This shows that Blake was a strong believer in equality and was aware that everyone held the same status, regardless of their economical position, for “every man, of every dime” were viewed the same by the God they all worshiped. Blake seems to relate and appreciate the “human form divine” the most, referring to Jesus Christ as He is adored in the illumination. Clothed and having a halo painted around Jesus’ head signifies His high status differentiating Him from the two people presented, who lay naked below. But the relaxed posture and stance of the naked people shows that Blake is comfortable in Jesus’ presence as he shares the same values of equality and social justice. The image of the extended branches and angels twinned on top resemble the description of the vision Blake had on the field of Peckham Rye, as he “sees a tree shimmering” resembling angels[12]. Gold is heavily used to enforce the idea of divinity and holiness, not just in God Himself, but the people or angels above who lean in and embrace are also painted in gold, showing the richness in love and peace. Blake loses sight of love and peace as his judgement becomes heavily clouded by mercy and pity in the first stanza of the companion poem ‘Human Abstract’. Blake suggests that pity and mercy “would be no more” if poverty and discrimination were abolished. However, Blake blames society “[making] somebody Poor” both financially and in will, allowing the rest of the community to selfishly feel pitiful and merciful for their own moral gain, highlighting the faults in society. But since the majority of society is contrived from religious beliefs, Blake also blames religion for imposing “mutual fears”, forcing people to follow a regime so that they appear moral and good. This has an ongoing chain effect which is mimicked by each rhyming couplet. People who “waters the ground with tears” have been induced by the fears of hellfire, concepts developed by the “Human Brain”. It is therefore no other than mankind’s fault for creating a world of fear and deceit as the subject in the poem had created ambiguity and “Mystery”. From this, rumors regarding black magic, symbolised by the “raven” had immersed, creating further fear. As a result, Blake is showing that these superstitions are all here-say and do not have any relation to religion, but it is the human brain who had associated the two, producing a culture which had tarnished traditional and just religion.

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