
8 年前 629次浏览 英国哲学代写essay:蜂蜜和芒福德已关闭评论

蜂蜜和芒福德提出一个模型,定义了四个学习风格。根据这个模型活动家,反射器,理论家和实用主义者是四个不同的学习风格。一个积极的人是充满活力和热情的参与到相对较新的领域熟悉,扩大他们的视野。积极不怕接受挑战或工作在新的和不熟悉的情况下。反射器是一个人观察到他的周边环境和学习。他的决策是基于大量的批判性思维和分析。一个务实的人需要验证成功实现之前采用新的学习实践。理论家采用线性或一步一步的解决问题的方法。考虑到蜂蜜和芒福德模型的学习和应用它对我来说,在我看来,我积极和一个实用主义者,在同一时间。我有智慧学习和吸收新事物,从他们身上获得经验这是一个积极的态度。但接受新的学习是基于这些学习的实际实现的输出是一个实用主义者的态度。我不害怕接受挑战,尽量不要错过新的学习机会。学习的另一个模型是VARK弗莱明和米尔斯提出的。VARK一词表示不同维度的学习例如V =视觉,A =听觉,R =阅读(和写作)和K =运动感觉的。视觉学习是通过使用视觉来源图表、图形、符号等进行听力练习通过积极倾听这包括教程、讲座、小组讨论等阅读书籍,报纸和杂志也促进学习。动觉的学习是学习使用模拟或现实来积累经验。我认为学习是刺激通过所有四个风格的学习。视觉帮助我通过图片学习新事物,主动倾听他人,参与小组讨论,这有助于学习,不同的人不同的观点的知识,拓宽我的视野,增加思考. .来自不同来源的阅读和写下来帮助我记住它们。运动有助于学习的实际实现,淬灭了口渴的实用主义者。


Honey and Mumford put forward a model that defines four learning styles. According to the model activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist are the four different learning styles. An activist person is dynamic and enthusiastic to involve themselves in relatively new areas to get familiar and expand their horizons. An activist is not afraid of accepting challenges or working in new and unfamiliar situations. A reflector is a person who observes his surrounding environment and learns from them. His decision making is based on a lot of critical thinking and analysis. A pragmatic person needs to verify the success by implementation before adopting a new learning practice. A theorist adopts a linear or step by step approach to problem solving.Considering the Honey and Mumford model of learning and applying it to me, it occurred to me that I am both an activist and a pragmatist and at the same time. I have acumen to learn and assimilate new things and gain experience from them which is the attitude of an activist. But accepting the new learning is based on the output of the practical implementation of these learning's which the attitude of a pragmatist is. I do not fear accepting challenges and try not to miss new learning opportunities. Another model for learning is VARK proposed by Fleming and Mills. The term VARK denotes different dimensions of learning i.e. V= visual, A= aural, R=reading (and writing) and K= kinaesthetic. Visual learning is done through using visual sources like charts, graphs, symbols etc. Aural learning is carried out through active listening this includes tutorials, lectures, group discussions etc. Reading books, newspapers and journals also stimulates learning. Kinaesthetic learning is learning using simulations or reality to gain experience. I think that my learning is stimulated through all four of styles of learning. Visuals help me in learning new things through graphic images, active listening to others and participation in group discussions, this facilitates learning by getting a knowledge of different perspectives of different people and by broadening my horizons and increased thinking.. Reading from different sources and writing them down helps me memorize them well. Kinesthetic helps in learning by practical implementation that quenches the thirst of the pragmatist in me.

