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An academician who is considering taking on more senior leadership roles needs to engage in activities and reflections at two levels. At a personal level, they need to question what they want to do, that is defining (or refining) ambitions. Having defined this, they must ask themselves if they have what it takes to do that job. Leadership aspirants frequently complete this part of the process. It is the second aspect of the positioning process that is less frequently achieved. Aspirants need to follow-through by ascertaining what they need to do to gain this position or role and who they need to convince that they have what it takes (Gronn and Lacey, 2004).For it to be effective, leadership is not dependent on position and that is why leadership is an action not position. It is dependent on character and influence. A leadership position is one that requires many different skills. It is an activity that is complicated to measure, but the results of the team will determine the leader's success. Some people think leadership is about power; however, power is not leadership. When one leads people, he is actually helping people accomplish more and be all that they can be. Some require a position before they possess influence, while others possess influence by virtue of personality, strength of character, social interaction with others, and other sometimes-difficult-to-define attributes (Koen & Bitzer, 2010). When one seeks to position himself as a leader, he must have two critical elements, namely a clear objective and a strong leadership potential. A more useful view of being a leader is to see it as being strategic about achieving career goals. Hence, it is knowing what one wants and enacting a plan to achieve that goal. In the academic context, academic leader sets the direction and influence that excel every faculty member through the generic core duties of teaching-learning, research and providing professional service.

