
8 年前 482次浏览 英国戏剧学essay代写:共同目标已关闭评论



This model can be defined as a structured form of group work where students pursue common goals while being assessed individually [4]. According to [1] the most common model of cooperative learning found in the engineering literature is that of [8]. This model incorporates five specific tenets, which are individual accountability, mutual interdependence, face-to-face promotive interaction, appropriate practice of interpersonal skills, and regular self-assessment of team functioning. While [7] highlights different cooperative learning models, the core element held in common is a focus on cooperative incentives rather than competition to promote learning. Much of the research on cooperative group learning seem to suggest that this model leads to improved students' performance and increased higher-order thinking skills. However, many instructors are quite hesitant when they consider the rather strict criteria and time required for successful learning when using cooperative learning models. Cooperation also promotes interpersonal relationships, improves social support and fosters self-esteem. The fact that cooperative learning provides a natural environment in which to promote effective teamwork and interpersonal skills would also be an issue of interest to engineering faculty. In addition, the need to develop these skills in their students is reflected by the engineering accreditation criteria [6]. It was also noted that employers frequently identify team skills as a critical gap in the preparation of engineering students. Therefore, the development of these skills in engineering students could also lead to better integration in the industry. Furthermore, it is difficult to argue that individual work in traditional classes does anything to develop team skills since practice is a precondition of learning any skill. The main component of the difficulty in addressing the question, whether cooperative learning effectively develops interpersonal skills stems from how one defines and measures team skills. Still, [8] provide strong arguments to suggest that cooperative learning is effective in this area. They recommend explicitly training students in the skills needed to be effective team members when using cooperative learning groups. It is reasonable to assume that traditional instruction that emphasizes individual learning and generally, has no explicit instruction in teamwork is less effective than the opportunity to practice interpersonal skills coupled with explicit instructions in these skills. [10] who studied the effects of competitive and cooperative learning strategies on academic performance of Nigerian students in mathematics, provides empirical evidence to support this conclusion and went on to state that social skills tend to increase more within cooperative rather than competitive or individual situations. In addition, [11] show that students report increased interpersonal skills required for effective teamwork as a result of cooperative learning.

