英国市场营销论文代写 送货上门

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英国市场营销论文代写 送货上门

Home deliveries are a big logistical challenge, they are a lot more expensive if deliveries are made for small orders, both economically and time wise. In a world where fuel prices fluctuates enormously, and consumers demand more and more value from each penny that they spend, home delivery needs to evolve from where it presently is. Home delivery service is also considered as the 'last mile logistics'. The business units involved in managing a home delivery service is very similar to a logistics service like transportation, product handling, manpower management, routing and scheduling. Home delivery services although playing a very important role in customer experience, has never been identified as a major vertical that should be given special emphasis and therefore evolvement of home deliver services in negligible over past many years in India. If we leave aside some examples in food category and retail category, no major investment has been made to build up home delivery models in India, which could be much more efficient and add value to customer life.

Bigger players in food industry have deployed Information technology to speed up their processes like Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems which have options for placing the order, tracking the order status, lodging the complaints and knowing the promotional offers. They run call centres to manage the flood of orders. Although, these services come with a cost, they also provide opportunity to service more customers. Some food chains like Domino's earn more from home delivery than in-person visits of the customers. That is why, probably, home delivery has become a necessity for a fast food chain to penetrate in a market



