
8 年前 471次浏览 英国市场营销代写essay:实质上改变行为已关闭评论

实质上改变他们的行为,除非他们有奖励这样做。现行的制度并不能奖励以学生为中心的教学,除非改变教师的风格,否则这是不可能改变的。拓展课程教育内容的最近宣布的体育课程改革提供更多的教学时间部,以及更好的设施,在扩大学校content.10然而范围的方向迈出的重要一步,更积极的需要采取的步骤,以艺术、音乐等其他学科,两者都没有得到足够的重视在国家课程为止。根据知识和人类发展局(KHDA)迪拜学校检验局,音乐不是在6年级时提出,艺术不是在9年级了,除了几个学生选择他们作为课外活动的认知理论认为,经验在艺术(视觉艺术、音乐、戏剧和舞蹈)创造能力或动机,出现在非艺术的能力。在受试者的观点比较和各自的教学时间在7-9年级开设,值得注意的是,UAE的地方更强调数学和语言教育比经合组织国家中,包括前两次得分国家在国际学生评估项目(比萨)-芬兰,korea.13 benavot(2006)认为,在中东大多数国家这种趋势是普遍的,非洲和南亚,而经合组织国家的分配相对多的时间美学和体育教育尽管在UAE这些主题沉重的时间分配,学生仍然薄弱的数学(在2007次看到迪拜的结果)和英语不佳,表明只要有更多的时间在一个科目不够看考试成绩提高。另一个被忽视的内容是在UAE的信息和计算机技术(ICT)。目前,这包括一个单一的主题,学生学习过时的计算技能,往往在过时的机器。


substantially change their behavior unless they are provided with incentives to do so. The current system does not reward student centered teaching, and this is unlikely to change unless there is an insistence upon a change in teacher styles. Expanding Curriculum Content The Ministry of Education's recent announcement of an overhaul of the physical education curriculum to provide more instruction hours, as well as better facilities, is a great step in the direction of expanding the scope of school content.10 However, more positive steps need to be taken with regard to other subjects such as art and music, both of which have not been given enough importance in the national curriculum so far. According to the Knowledge and Human Development Authority's (KHDA) Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau, music is not offered after Grade 6, and art is not offered after Grade 9, except to a few students who choose to pursue them as extracurricular activities.11 Theories of cognition suggest that experiences in the arts (visual arts, music, theater and dance) create capabilities or motivations that show up in non-arts capabilities. In a cross-country comparison of the subjects and respective instruction time offered in grades 7-9, it is noticeable that the UAE places a greater emphasis on math and language education than the OECD countries, including the top two scoring countries on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) - Finland and Korea.13 Benavot (2006) argues that this trend is prevalent in most countries across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, whereas the OECD countries allocate relatively more time to aesthetic and physical education.14 Despite the heavy time allocation to these subjects in the UAE, students remain weak in math (see Dubai's results in the 2007 TIMSS) and poor in English, indicating that simply having more hours in a subject is not enough to see test score gains. Another neglected content area in the UAE is Information and Computer Technology (ICT). Currently this comprises a single subject in which students learn outdated computing skills, often on obsolete machines.

