
8 年前 500次浏览 英国市场营销代写essay:孩子学习已关闭评论



Parents want a lot more from teachers today, and insist on seeing that their child is learning. Homework is a way for the teacher to show the parents what they are teaching, and how well the child is learning. Harris Cooper, a professor from Duke University, and author of "A Battle over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents" (Corwin Press) says that homework, "can give parents an opportunity to see what's going on at school and let them express positive attitudes towards achievement" (2006). Parents can be reassured that their child is getting a good education, by seeing what they are learning in their homework assignments. It also gives parents an opportunity to work with their child, letting them spend time together and be a part of the child's learning experience.Teachers need to be able to justify why the homework they assign is important (Schipani, 2006). Teachers need to give homework that will be seen by the parent and student as beneficial. Homework, on a topic that a child has not been taught, wastes time and can cause frustration and misunderstanding of the new skill (Marzano, Pickering & Pollock, 2001). The assignment should be a way for the child to practice a skill that was recently taught, or review an older skill that may have been forgotten. Common homework is nightly reading or math worksheets, but homework can also be a larger project that may take several days to complete. The directions and expectations of the assignment need to be clearly stated, so the child can complete the assignment the way the teacher wanted it done. This insures that the purpose of the homework is understood and the child gains the information or practice that was intended.

