
6 年前 468次浏览 英国市场学论文代写:旅游业营销计划已关闭评论



The marketing plan primarily aspires to target a single market which is USA market. Upon the effective implementation of this marketing plan, other target markets will be defined and approached. As indicated, the target market falls within age the age bracket of 35 to 65 years. The target market has been assessed to keep a keen interest in exploring the world tourist’s sites due to their expenditure power. A brief analysis of the USA market has been given below along with the reasons for choosing this market as the target market for the marketing plan.The political arena of the USA raises concerns due to its involvement and approach towards international politics. Within the USA the expenditure of the government on social security and Medicare contributes towards two- fifth of the spending of the federal government which has been accused of increasing with an unjustifiable rate. Therefore due to the economic turbulence this funding has been affected which translates into instability of the USA government. The economic condition of the country appears to be distressed. Although currently the GDP seems to be stagnant, however it is expected to grow up to 3.1 per cent by the end of year 2010. The GDP is also expected to grow up to 2.6 per cent by the end of year 2011. The social landscape indicates towards a high living standard inclusive of yearly and even frequent trend of holiday making. The tourism spending has increased by the end of 2009 whereas decline in the inflation rate also indicates towards a promising picture. There has been increasing interest noted by the global tourist industry in the UK tourism industry due to increased efforts made by the local industry in increasing inbound tourism in the UK (Mintel Oxygen, 2009). Out of the most famous tourism attractions in UK are its historical buildings, museums etc. There has been an increase in inbound tourism in the UK, hence attracting the tourists from the USA market has been done because the USA is bigger market with increasing expenditure on tourism.

