
6 年前 451次浏览 英国社会学论文代写:幼儿园教育已关闭评论



Without the teachers the kindergarten class would not happen. The teachers will help the students to get all of the foundation needed to go on to the first grade. In essence, kindergarten teachers are very important to a little child’s educational career.In an interview, Mrs. Van Dyke and Mrs. Byrd were asked how long it took them to complete their degrees to become a teacher and teacher assistant. What degree(s) did they get from college, and what college(s) did they attend? Mrs. Van Dyke stated, “It took me four years. I took classes during the summer and graduated in four years. I attended Harding University and Slippery Rock College, receiving a degree in early childhood education,” (Mrs. Van Dyke). Mrs. Byrd said, “I have an associate’s degree in computer science from Gaston College. I worked full time in a textile mill so it took me between three to four years to complete it,”A classroom is a place for learning experiences. Most kindergarten classrooms have a kitchen play house set. Also the classroom contains water paint, a computer, a sand table, blocks, puzzles, and a writing center. These activities allow students to interact with each other students in the class. In a kindergarten classroom you have cubbies to store student’s supplies (book bag, clothes and other stuff). Also you will find a smiley chart which is used to display student’s behavior for the day. It is called a behavior chart; this chart is a scale showing a range of behaviors from high spirits to low or disappointing behavior from a teacher’s point of view.

