
6 年前 721次浏览 英国社会学论文代写:幸福结局已关闭评论

这些证据并没有提供很多理由对长期局势下的难民的幸福结局感到乐观。虽然这些人由于对生命的恐惧和迫在眉睫的身体伤害而不得不逃离家园,但还是有希望通过教育为他们自己的未来打下基础。不仅仅是建立一个生活的可能性,也可以提供支付工作,宙斯说教育有一个“重要的心理作用,而且身体和认知保护”和“可以发挥作用,帮助社区理解和应对他们的命运,可以提供人生的意义的一个关键部分。Hakami(2016)强调教育可以构建心理支持,促进更高的功能,从而提供更多的基础心理支持。这些都是提供至少最低限度高等教育的重要原因。越多越好。教育对难民心理健康的积极好处怎么强调也不过分。在诸如食物、干净的水和基本的人身安全等基本必需品最多是不一致的情况下,长期住在- -往往是在- -长期营地中长大- -的现实负担需要有一个深厚的内部力量库。教育可以帮助补充这一储备。Crea等人(2015)引用了一名学生关于他在难民营的经历,“我也是一个人;努力工作,努力实现我想实现的目标;第一件事是改变我的态度,让别人把我当作一个人来看待和对待”(第241页)。培养自信和发展批判性思维能力是追求高等教育的两个结果。


The evidence does not provide a lot of reason to be optimistic about a happy ending for refugees in protracted situations. While these people have had to flee their homes under the fear for their lives and imminent physical harm, there is some hope that it is possible to provide a foundation to build a future for themselves through education. It is not only the possibility of building a life that a well paying job can provide, Zeus says that education has an, “important role in psychosocial, but also physical and cognitive protection” and “can play a role in helping communities understand and cope with their fate and can be a critical part of providing meaning in life.Hakami (2016) emphasizes that education can build psychological support which fosters higher functioning which then provides more foundational psychological support. Those are significant reasons to provide at least a bare minimum of higher education. More would be better.The positive benefits of education on the mental health of the refugees can not be overstated. In situations where basic necessities such as food, clean water and basic physical safety are inconsistent at best , the burden of the reality of living in – and often growing up in – protracted encampments requires a deep reservoir of internal strength. Education can help supplement that reservoir. Crea et al. (2015) quotes a student in regards to the student’s experience in the refugee camp, “I’m also a human being; working hard and trying hard to achieve what I want to achieve; the first thing is change my attitude and be seen and treated as a human being” (p. 241). Building confidence as well as the development of critical thinking skills are two consequences of the pursuit of higher education.

