
8 年前 503次浏览 英国商业论文代写:UAE课程已关闭评论



While the development of the new standards based curriculum in Abu Dhabi is an important step forward in improving the curriculum in the UAE, there are still many issues that have not been addressed. The main challenges that lie ahead include transforming the attitudes and approaches of teachers, expanding the scope of the curriculum content, and designing appropriate assessment strategies. Finally, local capacity must be expanded in order to ensure sustainability and suitability in curriculum reform. Transforming Teaching To ensure the successful implementation of the new curriculum, a radically different mindset and approach is required. Moving away from a textbook-driven curriculum to one in which teachers need to plan what and how they will teach, drawing from a variety of sources, will entail retraining teachers on the fundamentals of teaching. The type of training required will need to extend beyond pedagogical expertise - the transmission of knowledge - to incorporate reflective dimensions, enabling teachers to independently develop instructional materials. This will require more intensive training and better follow-up than currently exists. The Ministry of Education structure incorporates supervisors for every subject whose role is to visit teachers and observe lessons to assess the quality of teaching. Currently, the role of the supervisor is marginal as principals can choose their supervisors; that is, they can select those who will be most amenable to giving a good report. If the role of the supervisor was strengthened and improved, this would likely have a positive impact on student learning. In their study of Cuba's education system, Carnoy et al. (2007) found that supervision and mentoring played a critical role in ensuring quality of teaching, if used effectively. The UAE should be no different. Unfortunately, many teachers are unlikely to

