
6 年前 602次浏览 英国商科论文代写:定量研究衡量企业绩效已关闭评论



This will be a quantitative study where quantitative measures are used in measuring firm performance as well as representing the selected corporate governance variables to be examined in this research study. Financial performance is determined using quantitative financial ratios which include Return on Assets and Profitability in the firms. The elements of corporate governance are both quantitative and qualitative. The researcher adopts some proxies to represent some of the qualitative elements in a quantitative nature in this study. Some of the elements of corporate governance expected to be examined in this study include: Size of the board, duality of the CEO, female representation in boards, board’s working experience, years of education of board members, proportion of independent directors in the board, board compensation, block holders and board ownership. These among other corporate governance variables will be included in this study based on the availability of complete data on these elements.This study adopts both a longitudinal and horizontal time horizon. The study focuses on a timeline of 10 years starting 2008 to 2017 and this longitudinal approach that focuses on a period of 10 years. The study examined a total of eight Chinese banks which include 4 non-state owned banks and 4 state owned banks. Therefore, the cross-sectional analysis also covers a wide range of commercial banks in China. The result of adoption of both longitudinal and cross-sectional data in this analysis results in generation of panel data covering 10 years and a total of 8 Chinese commercial banks.

