
7 年前 455次浏览 英国人权学代写论文:美国的经济低迷已关闭评论

在美国,大萧条始于1929年夏天。经济低迷在1929年末变得更加令人遗憾,并一直持续到1933年初。真正的收益和成本急剧下降。在经济衰退的顶峰和低谷之间,美国的机械制造下降了47%,而真正的GDP下降了30%。批发价值文件下降了33%(在价值水平上的下降被指为“清空”)。尽管人们对这些观点的不动摇性有一些口头上的对抗,但大体上还是一致认为,失业率在最高的时候超过了20%。这些下降的严重性在对比上尤为明显,而美国的下一个最严重的衰退是在1981 - 82年,当时真正的GDP只下降了2%,失业率也只下降了不到10%。此外,在1981 - 82年期间,尽管成本增加的比率受到了相当大的管制,但仍在不断上升


In the United States, the Great Depression started in the summer of 1929. The downturn got to be uniquely more regrettable in late 1929 and proceeded until early 1933. Genuine yield and costs fell steeply. Between the top and the trough of the downturn, mechanical creation in the United States declined 47 percent and genuine GDP fell 30 percent. The wholesale value file declined 33 percent (such decreases in the value level are alluded to as "emptying"). In spite of the fact that there is some verbal confrontation about the unwavering quality of the insights, it is broadly concurred that the unemployment rate surpassed 20 percent at its most elevated point. The seriousness of these decreases gets to be particularly clear when they are contrasted and America's next most exceedingly bad subsidence of the twentieth century, which of 1981–82, when genuine GDP declined only 2 percent and the unemployment rate crested at fewer than 10 percent. Also, amid the 1981– 82 subsidence costs kept on rising, despite the fact that the rate of cost increment regulated considerably

