
7 年前 410次浏览 英国欧洲问题研究代写论文:课堂的行为问题已关闭评论



As he further says in this way the pupils' interest and spontaneity will be channelled into areas of developments which will be of most benefit to them. The cultural transmission not only affected the curriculum but, also different behavioural issues to the classroom. I had a child in my class who was brought up in a violent family and had learnt violent roles from the members of his family. This boy always was in fights with others when he wanted to achieve what he wanted. Thankfully the Social Worker's support was really a helping hand for me whenever I faced problems with this particular boy. At times we should provide proper guidance to those children who are in disputes through counselling and instructions; this process of managing behaviour always helped me to maintain silence in my classroom. Another behavioural issue in my school is verbal abuse between young and grown up children. The Social Worker's availability on the scene is a great support for those who face these problems. She always makes sure to address the issues through the behaviour policy of the school which includes writing incident reports, counselling, giving detention in the school and at home and parent teacher meeting for the betterment of the pupils' behaviour. In the same manner the children who develop good habits and manners are always rewarded according to the school policies.

