
8 年前 414次浏览 英国诺福克论文代写:元认知学习策略已关闭评论

目的探讨高中生元认知学习策略,采用定量研究的方法。本研究以左云县某私立高中150名学生为研究对象。本研究的理论模型是基于O'Malley和查莫特的元认知策略理论。研究结果表明:(1)总体而言,受试者不经常使用元认知策略,他们只是偶尔使用;在元认知策略的三类中,评价和监控策略比计划策略更常用。(2)元认知策略有正相关,与学生的英语成绩在0.01水平上;他们在提高学习者的学习能力起着非常重要的作用,在三个类别中,评价策略与英语成绩的相关性最高。(3)高、低分组学生对元认知策略的反应存在显著差异,高年级学生对这些策略有较好的掌握,能更有效、更频繁地使用这些策略。(4)男女生在使用计划、监控和评价策略上没有显著差异,即男女学生在元认知策略运用上差异不显著。 关键词:元认知学习策略;高中生;英语成绩


Aiming to investigate senior middle school students' metacognitive learning strategies, a quantitative method is used in this study. The subjects of this research are 150 students from a private senior middle school in Zuoyun County. The theoretical model of this study is based on O'Malley and Chamot's theory of metacognitive strategies. Results show that: (1) Generally speaking, the subjects do not use metacognitive strategies frequently, they just use them sometimes; among the three categories of metacognitive strategies, evaluation and monitoring strategies are more often used than planning strategies. (2) Metacognitive strategies have a positive significant correlation with the students' English scores at the 0.01 level; they play a very important role in improving the learners' learning proficiency, among the three categories, evaluation strategies have the highest correlation with the students' English achievements. (3) High- and low-score students are significantly different in their responses to metacognitive strategies; high-score students have a better command of these strategies and they can use the strategies more effectively and frequently. (4) There is no significant difference between the male and female students in their using of planning, monitoring and evaluation strategies; namely, the male and female students are not significantly different in their using of metacognitive strategies.

