
7 年前 584次浏览 英国伦敦论文代写:幼儿园文化多样性已关闭评论

在创造一个受欢迎的学习环境之前,教师对幼儿园文化多样性的准备是很重要的(Hughes, & Kwok, 2007)。教师的技能和知识是重要的考虑因素,尤其是在基础教育水平上。教师的手势和话语被发现在儿童的学习中有重要作用(Klerfelt, 2007, Valenzeno, Alibali, & Klatzky, 2003)。在学前教育中,高质量的师生关系是被期望的。了解如何与幼儿建立良好的关系意味着幼儿园教师必须对幼儿教育项目中的关系构建有丰富的知识(O'Connor, 2010)。这也表明老师是有效的,知道如何在学习中注入乐趣。幼儿园教师必须在他们要教的特定学科领域有足够的知识和坚定的信念。当涉及到幼儿的数学发展时,他们应该了解有用的表示和策略以及常见的误解错误(Broody et al., 2006)。需要一个符合理论和研究的发展模型来创建幼儿数学的构建模块(Sarama, & Clements, 2004)。另一方面,教师的信念很难衡量,但它证明了教师经验和行为的可靠衡量(Muis, Bendixen, & Haerle, 2006)。例如,老师可能认为幼儿有理解数量的能力,因为她自己已经成功地教导学龄前儿童数量的概念,其中集合有更多的对象和集合有更少。因此,教师的知识和信念是幼儿数学发展的要求。


Teachers' preparation for cultural diversity in preschool is important prior to creating a welcoming learning environment (Hughes, & Kwok, 2007). Skills and knowledge of teachers are important considerations especially on the basic education level. Teachers' gestures and utterances were found to have a significant role in children's learning (Klerfelt, 2007, Valenzeno, Alibali, & Klatzky, 2003). In preschool education, high quality teacher-child relationships are expected. Knowing how to establish such good relationships with young children implies that the preschool teacher must have substantial knowledge on relationship building in early childhood education programs (O'Connor, 2010). This also suggests that the teacher is effective and knows how to infuse fun in learning.Preschool teachers must have adequate knowledge and strong beliefs in a particular subject area they are tasked to teach. They should have knowledge of useful representations and strategies and common misconception errors when it comes to mathematical development in young children in particular (Broody et al., 2006). A Development model that coincides with theory and research is needed to create the building blocks for early childhood mathematics (Sarama, & Clements, 2004). On the other hand, a teacher's belief is hard to measure but it proves a reliable measure of teacher's experiences and actions (Muis, Bendixen, & Haerle, 2006). For example, a teacher may believe that young children are capable of understanding quantities because she herself has been successful in teaching a preschooler the concept of quantities, of which set has more objects and which set has less. Thus, knowledge and beliefs of teachers are requirements for mathematical development in early childhood education.

