
7 年前 477次浏览 英国伦敦论文代写:学校的作用已关闭评论



As part of the whole, schools play a role in teaching values of being healthy citizens. The citizen role descriptors are designed to be applied across year levels. "These descriptors provide students, teachers and parents with a shared understanding of the roles within and across school contexts." (Education Queensland, 2010) Integrated learning contributes to promoting effective healthy practices. Therefore, this integrated lesson matrix promotes health and nutrition by ensuring that children understand that personal identity and relationships are important elements of a person's growth and development, and can demonstrate appropriate skills and strategies to enhance relationships, participate in groups and maintain a sense of healthy self-esteem. Also understands health of individuals, families and communities, and can take actions to promote the health. Along with understanding that active participation in physical activity contributes to a sense of wellbeing, community and social connectedness, and can critically evaluate the social and cultural influences that shape behaviours, routines and perceptions of the body. Department of Education and Training, (2008) .framework document states "All state schools will provide a curriculum to maximise the capacity of all students to exit from schooling with the capabilities and values to be active and responsible citizens." (Education Queensland, 2010) Informed citizens can apply their learning skills and knowledge, Curriculum refers to everything a school does to support learners learning, and the knowledge and skills acquired by students. Integrating the curriculum maximises the learning experiences engages all students with diverse learning abilities, and challenging learning experiences. This planning matrix has applied the essential learning which describes what students are expected to know and cover the knowledge, skills and other attributes to learning. "All schools will build their curriculum around the essential learning's and help students master them." (Education Queensland, 2010). The essential learning practices around Queensland's eight Key Learning Areas; these are The Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Languages other than English, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Society and Environment, and Technology. The integrated curriculum matrix lesson are used identify those aspects of the essential learning's. "The learning descriptions provided in Scope and Sequence Years 1-9 unpack or scaffold the Essential Learning's and support teachers to understand the curriculum"

