
8 年前 558次浏览 英国伦敦论文代写:羞辱已关闭评论

羞辱是一个non-corporal方法纪律,惩罚者可以发挥他们的控制,为了获得想要的结果,它是一个被动的愤怒的释放,提供临时。权利和救济。羞辱需要认识到它是什么——心理虐待的永恒循环依赖于羞愧地内化自己的情绪,社会期望进行比较,感到懊悔。它产生负面情绪,对自己的感情和思想,直接影响接受者的自我形象。耻辱是自己个人感觉不好“我错了”(威瑟斯,2001年)和不应被混淆与内疚,感觉不好的行为“我做错了”(威瑟斯,2001)。在西方文化我们骄傲我们的识别和实施人道主义刑法实践和尊重的人,而排斥当前的“野蛮”实践在其他国家。恢复性司法过程中的羞辱被广泛使用作为一个可接受的(非下士)方法实现期望的结果的自责,内疚,和罪犯的赔偿,而赋予被害人和社区。如果您在伦敦读书,需要学术帮助,可以与我们的ENLUNWEN 伦敦论文代写 服务联系

儿童发展的支持者认为,如果孩子们受到尊重,并允许通过发展阶段后自己的预先确定的生物节律,没有被羞辱,他们的照顾者为实现里程碑,他们并不拥有的成熟,他们将发展积极的自我意识,这将促进自我调节,同理心,对待他人和尊重的行为。孩子们受到耻辱,为了应对发展,行为,或大量的其他问题,可能会出现从童年与失败和低自我价值的感觉。儿童照顾者可能会经常收到批评“开发和压倒性的羞耻感和自我怀疑”(纽曼&纽曼,2009,第2009页)。孩子学习建立一个内部的想法意味着什么是一个“好,不错,有能力的人,…[可能]感到羞愧当他们的行为不符合这些标准,即使他们并没有违反任何办公室行为准则……”(纽曼&纽曼,2009,p . 216)。儿童体验羞耻往往退出活动对失败的恐惧,因为他们缺乏信心,希望在他们所做的“失败”。另外他们会认为自己是坏或顽皮的和不值得爱的或acceptence。在青春期那些experirenced“高水平的羞辱”也有accompanyhing水平的“怨恨、烦躁、愤怒,疑心,倾向于责怪别人(引用在纽曼和纽曼216页)”。受制于羞愧没有出现导致渴望“归还或亲社会行为,[它]经常激励否认,防御性,愤怒,和进取”。“人们强烈的羞愧不太可能经历同情受害者,和更容易repsond怒火”(纽曼&纽曼,2009)这些人,他们常常觉得受害,试图重新获得一种控制通过代理或获得凌驾他人之上的权力。这可以采取的形式欺凌、破坏财产,或故意伤害另一个。


Shaming is a non-corporal approach to discipline, that allows the punisher to exert their control over another, in order to obtain a desired outcome; it is a passive aggressive release of anger that provides temporary empowerment and relief for the shamer. Shaming needs to be recognised for what it is - a perpetuation cycle of psychological abuse that relies on the shamed to internalize their emotions, compare them to societal expectations, and feel a sense of remorse. It produces negative emotions, feelings and thoughts about themselves, having a direct impact on the recipients self image. Shame is about feeling personally bad about one's self "I am wrong" (Withers, 2001) and should not be confused with guilt which is about feeling bad about ones actions "I did wrong" (Withers, 2001). In western culture we pride ourselves on our recognition and implementation of humanitarian penal practices and respect of fellow man, while ostracising current 'barbaric' practices in other countries. In the restorative justice process shaming is widely used as an acceptable (non corporal) method used toward achieving the desired outcome of remorse, guilt, and reparation from the offender, while empowering the victim and community.

Child development proponents believe that if children are treated with respect, and allowed to go through developmental stages following their own predetermined biological rhythm, without being shamed by their caregivers into achieving milestones that they do not possess the maturation for, that they will evolve a positive sense of self, which will promote self regulation, empathy, and respectful behaviour towards others. Children, who are subject to shame, in response to developmental, behavioural, or a plethora of other issues, may emerge from childhood with feelings of failure and low self worth. Children who receive constant criticism from caregivers may "develop and overwhelming sense of shame and self-doubt" (Newman & Newman, 2009, p 215). Children learn to build an internal idea of what it means to be a "good, decent, capable person,...[and may] feel shame when their behaviour does not meet [these] standards, even though they have not broken any rules..." (Newman & Newman, 2009, p. 216). Children who experience shame often withdraw from activities for fear of failure, and because they lack confidence and expect to "fail at what they do". Additionaly they will see themselves as 'bad or naughty' and unworthly of love or acceptence. In adolescence those who had experirenced "high levels of shame" also had accompanyhing levels of "resentment, irritability, anger, suspiciousness, and a tendency to blame others (cited in newman and newman p 216)". Being subject to shame do not appear to result in a desire for "restitution or pro-social behaviour, [instead it] often motivates denial, defensiveness, anger, and agression". "People with strong feelings of shame are less likely to experience empathy for the victim, and more likely to repsond with anger" (Newman & Newman, 2009) These individuals, who often feel victimised, try to regain a sense of control by acting out or gaining power over others. This can take the form of bullying, destruction to property, or intentionally harming another.

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