
6 年前 501次浏览 英国伦敦论文代写:教育机会和设施已关闭评论

通过确保免费、义务和普遍的基础教育,使人们享有平等的教育机会和设施。《宪法》还确保了功能性识字,并规定为各级学校提供适当设施。抛开宪法条款不谈,《加纳减贫战略》II承认教育是到2015年使该国成为中等收入国家的关键,因此将人力资本的发展确定为该计划的三个主题领域之一。除了实现千年发展目标2外,GPRS II还旨在加强教育质量特别是基础教育质量,提高提供教育服务的质量和效率,并弥合该国教育机会方面的性别差距。2003年,基于减贫战略的教育战略规划(ESP)开始实施,覆盖2003-2005年。该战略计划是在全部门教育交换框架内运作的,这部分是在多捐助者预算支助框架内。ESP为实现与教育相关的千年发展目标提供了框架或路线图,它基于四个关键领域:公平机会、教育管理和科学技术以及职业教育。ESP有10个政策目标,其中包括增加接受教育和培训的机会和参与,提高提高学生的教学质量.


persons to equal educational opportunities and facilities by ensuring free, compulsory and universal basic education. Functional literacy is also ensured under the constitution and provision is made for resourcing schools at all levels with adequate facilities. Aside the constitutional provisions, the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS) II recognizes education as the key to moving the country towards a middle income status by 2015 and as a result identifies the development of human capital as one the three thematic areas of the plan. Aside aiming to meet goal 2 of the MDGs, the GPRS II also aims to strengthen the quality of education especially at the basic level, improve the quality and efficiency in the delivery of education services and bridge the gender gap in terms of education access in the country. In 2003, the Education Strategic plan (ESP) based on the Poverty Reduction Strategy came into force and it covered the period 2003-2005. The Strategic Plan operated within the framework of a sector wide approach (SWAp) for education and this was situated partly within the multi-donor budgetary support (MDBS) framework (ISSER, 2009). The ESP which provided the framework or roadmap for achieving the education related MDGs was based on four key areas: equitable access, education management and Science and technology and Vocational education. There were ten policy goals to the ESP and this covered increasing access to and participation in education and training, improving the quality of teaching and learning for enhanced pupil/student

