
5 年前 569次浏览 英国伦敦essay代写:童真之歌已关闭评论



Songs Of Innocence cluster where the illuminations present children uniformly following priests as they themselves walk in pairs. This resembles the church’s attempts to annually provide a service from which children from charity schools take part in a choral concert[3], “raising their innocent hands” in a school-like fashion as he refers to the “high domes of St Paul’s” Cathedral[4]. Blake parallels Jesus’ ascension, otherwise known as Holy Thursday directly to the children who “rise to heaven” signifying hope, mimicking Blake’s attempt to lift the mood of the poem. The ascension resembles his own religious beliefs as Blake uses biblical references to convey the message of “[cherishing]” children who are less fortunate as they are “innocent” and angelic-like and would therefore be spiritually closer to God. Though Blake is addressing the bleak topic of poverty, he remains optimistic as he uses naturalistic and colourful imagery, describing the children as “[radiant]… flowers… dressed in red & blue & green”. These colours brighten the underlying issue of poverty and presents the Church as a saviour and potential resolution to helping poor children. However, Blake acknowledges the faults in this ritual as he realises the Church orchestrated the event for the purpose of their own selfish gain, allowing high class priests to appear moral. Blake ironically places the wealthy[5] “guardians of the poor” at a lower level, “beneath” the poor children in order to represent the purity and high spiritual status in having no money. This relates to the first of the eight beatitudes which state “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”[6], providing hope for the young choral singers. Blake pities the “innocent… clean” faces of the children who in the illuminations are being led by the “aged men”, aware that typically the children’s faces would not be clean and are only so for the occasion, sympathising with them. This pity changes to anger in the companion piece ‘Holy Thursday’ found in Songs of Experience as Blake mocks the idea of the Church’s Holy Thursday ritual, questioning “Is this a holy thing to see” as the occasion loses its purposeful meaning. The short and rapid lines of each stanza conveys a spiteful tone as if the reader is spitting out each line in disgust and hopelessness. This is a clear contrast from Songs of Innocence as the fate of the poor children is helpless as they are stationed in an “eternal winter”. This is a direct reference to the struggles people in poverty face as they lack sufficient warmth, food and shelter particularly throughout the torturous winter months. Blake emphasises the longevity of the “eternal” suffering through the repetition of “and” showing the ongoing misery. This misery is also visually presented through the illumination of a child’s head in his hands resembling despair as he confronts his drained and weary mother. Clinging onto her is another child desperately trying to hold on as a third child lies below them, extinguished. These children juxtapose the scenic peaceful background of the “rich and fruitful land” God had created. Therefore Blake is ultimately questioning God’s reasoning for creating a world of both beauty and suffering.

