
6 年前 468次浏览 英国留学生作业代写:正规教育已关闭评论

一般来说,人们知道正规教育,但不知道非正规教育。正规教育和非正规教育是两个不同的术语。正规教育是一种有组织的教育模式,它是系统的、结构良好的,并且按照教育部制定的法律法规进行管理(Dib, 1988)。一个明显的例子是,学校、学院和大学的教育被认为是正规教育。正规教育机构的课程设置、管理和物理上都是有组织的,并且要求上课的学生人数最少(Dib, 1988)。在正规教育中,师生之间的互动通常是直接的。一般来说,正规教育的学时限制在一定的学时内,根据各院校和全日制的学习过程,但仍以国家教育部提供的课程为基础。除此之外,学生还需要完成老师的评估,从而获得某种形式的资格认证,并继续下一个学习阶段。这些评估通常是在一般基础上定期进行的,用于行政目的和改进学习过程。正规教育中使用的方法通常不能真正反映学生的进步。这是因为学生只是从他们的老师那里得到任何信息,很可能他们并没有真正注意到,因为这是单向互动。


Generally, people know about formal education but unaware of non formal education. Formal and non formal education is two different terms. Formal education is an organized education model, which is systematic, well structured and also administered according to the laws and regulations that are set by the ministry of education (Dib, 1988). As an obvious example is, the education in schools, colleges, and universities are considered as formal education. Formal education institutions are organized curricularly, administratively, and physically and also require the minimum number of students that will attend the class (Dib, 1988). In formal education, the interaction between teachers and students are usually direct with each other. In general, formal education is restricted to a certain credit hours according to each institution and a full time learning process, but still based on the curricular provided by the education department of the country. Other than that, students need to complete the assessments given by the teachers that lead to some form of qualification and accreditation which will be required to continue to the next learning stage. The assessments are regularly made on a general basis, where it is used for administrative purpose and also to improve the learning process. The method used in formal education normally does not really show the progression of the students. This is because the students are only receiving any information from their teachers and most probably they do not really paying attention since it is a one way interaction.

