
6 年前 579次浏览 英国留学生作业代写:网络欺诈已关闭评论

网络欺凌的另一种形式是诋毁。诋毁是指有人故意破坏自己的形象。例如,传播关于一个人的虚构的词语,让其他人相信这些词语是真实的(Siegle, 2010) (Simmons & Bynum, 2014)。此外,模仿是一种“钓猫”(cat-fishing)的形式,也就是你在电脑屏幕后面假装和扮演别人。当你告诉别人关于你自己的错误信息时,这会让你看起来像是一个完全不同的人,在玩虚假身份的游戏。郊游和欺骗(Siegle, 2010)可以携手并进。郊游是指某人分享了他的个人信息,然后他把这些信息传到网上。他还讨论了欺骗行为,比如强迫或欺骗某人把他们的个人信息放到网上,让所有人都能看到。他提到的网络欺凌的第六种形式是排斥,即你故意不把某人包括在社交媒体网站和聊天室的一个群体中。对某个人怀恨在心是被排斥的一部分,因为你试图把他们赶出他们的朋友圈。Siegle(2010)最后提到网络跟踪是指网络上发生的可能导致伤害的攻击。闯入某人的账户可能导致网络跟踪。网络跟踪是指一个人在网上获得某人的信息,从而帮助受害者找到嫌疑人(Simmons & Bynum, 2014)。奇怪的是,你可以通过多种方式体验或参与网络欺凌——散播谣言并不是唯一的方式。


Another form of cyberbullying is Denigration. Denigration is when someone purposely tries to ruin ones image. For instance, spreading made up words about an individual to get other people to believe those words are true (Siegle, 2010) (Simmons & Bynum, 2014). Additionally, Impersonation is a form of cat-fishing, which is when you pretend and act like someone else behind the computer screen. When you give someone incorrect information about yourself, it makes you seem like a completely different person who is playing the game of false identity. Outing and Trickery (Siegle, 2010), can go hand in hand. Outing is caused when someone has shared personal information intended for that one person and then they go and spread it on the internet. He also discussed trickery as when you force or deceive someone to put their personal information online so everyone can see it. The sixth form of cyber bullying he mentioned is Exclusion, which is when you purposefully do not include someone in a group on social media sites and chat rooms. Holding a grudge against a certain person is a part of exclusion because you try to kick them out from their group of friends. Siegle (2010) finally mentioned Cyberstalking as over occurring attacks online that can lead to harm. Breaking into someone’s account can lead to cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is when a person gets a hold of someone’s information online which helps the victim track down the suspect (Simmons & Bynum, 2014). Oddly enough, there are multiple ways that you can experience or take part in cyberbullying— spreading rumors is not the only way.

