
6 年前 527次浏览 英国留学生论文代写:质量保证已关闭评论

在业务环境中有许多可用的“质量保证”度量系统和标准。客户反馈就是这样一种度量。客户反馈可以通过两种方法来实现。第一种方法是提供调查问卷,要求酒店客人在入住结束前完成。二是依靠外部进行的问卷调查、访谈和民意调查,可以持续进行。然而,尽管客户提供的评论和响应可以作为业务的良好证明(Porter 1998, p.1478),这些系统也有其缺点。除了并非所有客户都会响应这一事实之外,流程本身的设计常常存在缺陷,因此可能会被误解。例如,一个简单的投诉程序不一定能确定质量成功的领域。其次,这些反馈过程往往缺乏定义。因此,它们的使用可能受到以下事实的限制:它们没有向管理部门提供足够详细的信息,从而无法定位和解决服务质量不足的具体业务领域。此外,持续的调查制度增加了企业管理成本,并提出了抽样固有的问题。这些局限性的证据可以从Visit Britain最近进行的一项调查中看到。


There are numerous “quality assurance” measurement systems and standards available for use within the business environment. Customer feedback is one such measurement. Client feedback can be achieved by two methods. The first way is to provide questionnaires that hotel guests are asked to complete before the end of their stay. The second is to rely upon externally conducted questionnaires, interviews and polls, which can be conducted on a continuous basis.However, whilst comments and responses provided by customers may act as a good testimonial for the business (Porter 1998, p.1478), these systems have their drawbacks. In addition to the fact that not all customers might respond, the design of the process itself is often flawed (Kandampully et al 2001) and can therefore be misinterpreted. For example, a simple complaints procedure would not necessarily identify areas of quality success. Secondly, these feedback processes tend to lack definition. Their use may therefore be inhibited by the fact that they do not provide management with sufficient detail to be able to locate and resolve the specific areas of the business where deficiency of service quality is occurring. Furthermore, a system of continuous surveys adds to the business administration costs and, in addition, raises the inherent issue of sampling (Visit Britain 2008 b). Evidence of these limitations can be seen in a recent survey conducted by Visit Britain .

