
6 年前 480次浏览 英国留学生论文代写:强烈的信念已关闭评论



Preschool teachers must have adequate knowledge and strong beliefs in a particular subject area they are tasked to teach. They should have knowledge of useful representations and strategies and common misconception errors when it comes to mathematical development in young children in particular. A Development model that coincides with theory and research is needed to create the building blocks for early childhood mathematics. On the other hand, a teacher’s belief is hard to measure but it proves a reliable measure of teacher’s experiences and actions . For example, a teacher may believe that young children are capable of understanding quantities because she herself has been successful in teaching a preschooler the concept of quantities, of which set has more objects and which set has less. Thus, knowledge and beliefs of teachers are requirements for mathematical development in early childhood education.Education and specialized training of preschool teachers are associated with young children’s learning and development (Barnett, 2004). Evaluation of the impact of Early Childhood Education teacher preparation programs and professional development conclude that benefits of high-quality preschool education can only be achieved if teachers are professionally prepared and well-compensated (Barnett, 2004). Research shows that a well-prepared early childhood education teacher brings a warm, safe and conducive environment for learning  Perceptions of teacher on student-teacher quality and of children’s academic abilities proved to influence academic competence among students (Hughes, Gleason, & Zhang, 2005). In addition, it is important to focus on quality of room practices, child characteristics, teachers’ perceptions of school-related climates and teachers’ perceptions of workload stress  It was found that the amount of teacher’s math-related teaching was highly associated to children’s mathematical knowledge. The attitudes of preschool teachers on early mathematics do not change as they acquired knowledge of preschool teachers Teachers’ elementary education credentials, years of education and years of experience have complex impact to children’s learning  All of these issues can essentially be addressed by studying further within the context, knowledge and ability of early educators for early childhood education.

