
6 年前 438次浏览 英国留学论文代写:教育的目的已关闭评论



The goals and aims of education are to develop human resources mentally, emotionally, and physically. It provides the learners to gain the real life experience in society. It also provides the learners to understand the value of education that is limited by the royal government. In reforming of educational system, the students can solve the faced problem in their life such as aids, traffic, domestic violence, human right, climate change, protect the environment, reduce the poverty and other conflicts in community and also the country. Education can erg all the learners to think about economics, religion, controversial land, government’s concession land. When the learners understand about these problems they can work out these peacefully. As we know, when we reform the educational system, it usually effects both government and learners such as the government spend a lot of budgets and the learners are difficult to adapt with new programs. But we must reform it to progress better in country as well as in the religion. A good education gives the learners to get high knowledge to reply the need of ministries, departments, companies, enterprises, organizations and other institutions. If they get well paid job, they will help themselves, their families and country. When the learners are educated from schools with good curriculums, they will become very well educated persons who are very important asset in their society. Moreover, they can attract investors to invest in their community and also the country. One country has rapid development; it is because of the high knowledgeable learners. It is necessary can’t be lake of them.

