
6 年前 528次浏览 英国利物浦论文代写:改革派政治家已关闭评论

一位受过教育的改革派政治家,也是Shah Amanullah的岳父。塔尔齐的女儿索拉雅皇后(Queen Soraya)与她的母亲拉斯米亚(Rasmiya)于1921年创办了第一所女子手淫高中。拉斯米亚被任命为第一校长。在1921年至1928年期间,有800多名女性入学。1928年,Amaniyya一年级和二年级首次开设了男女合校课程。在塔尔齐的领导下,其他的小学在主要的城镇、村庄和城市建立。除了每个省的学校,还有该国游牧民族的学校,kuchi人。1922年至1930年间,几所新高中(Lycee)成立,其中一些学校教授德语或英语等外语,试图提供与欧洲和其他发达国家相当的教育。1924年,两所职业学校开业,一所是工商管理学校,另一所是美术和应用艺术学校。目标是建立一个具有现代课程的国家学校体系。1928年,公办中小学网络建成;多达4万名学生入学。


Mahmud Tarzi, a reformist educated statesman and the father-in-law of Shah Amanullah, held an influential position in the Amani (Amanullah) government pushing especially for education reform and for the empowerment of women. Tarzi's daughter, Queen Soraya, in 1921 with her mother, Rasmiya, founded the first high school for girls, Masturat. Rasmiya was appointed as the first principal. Between 1921 - 1928, more than 800 females were enrolled. In 1928, the first co-education classes were introduced at Amaniyya Lycee for grades one and two.Under Tarzi's leadership other primary schools were established in major towns, villages, and cities. In addition to schools in each province there were also schools for the country's nomads, the Kuchis. Several new high schools (Lycee) were founded between 1922 and 1930, some teaching foreign languages such as German or English as an attempt to provide an education comparable to that of Europe and other advanced nations. Two vocational schools were opened in 1924, one for business and administration and another for fine and applied arts. The goal was to have a national system of schools with a modern curriculum. The beginning of a network of government-run intermediate and secondary schools was achieved in 1928; as many as 40,000 students were enrolled.

