
8 年前 516次浏览 英国兰开夏论文代写:学习认知任务已关闭评论



Suggesting that learning is principally a cognitive task, and that learning takes place through the interaction of the child with a particular environment is constructivism. This is the theoretical approach chiefly supposed by Piaget. He theorises that a child's cognitive structures are thereby changed by this interaction, as they "accommodate" and "assimilate" their experience. A distinguishing feature of Piaget's theory is the development of cognitive ability through stages, culminating in the "formal operations" stage at 12 years onwards. It is at this point that abstract thought becomes possible. Pollard (1997), suggests that the educators responsibility in a school environment influenced by constructivist theory is to negotiate an area of work, and an activity with the child, and then to evaluate learning after the child has experienced and made sense of the activity. In my experience this method is one which is very much in use in the EYFS, and which lends itself suitably to this environment. The children are free to experiment, learning through play in accordance with their own strengths and interests using the stimulating enabling environments created by staff. At my base school for instance there is an extremely well designed and utilised outdoor play area for the EYFS, providing fun and challenge. In some ways the constructivist theory of learning, in this way very much addresses the personal aspects of learning, "casting the learner in a very active and independent role"

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