
8 年前 434次浏览 英国兰开夏论文代写:社会事务已关闭评论



According to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health childcare is an important stage of protecting maternity, jobs and balancing work and family, therefore the state provides for these families by way of maternity protection. In 1964 the maternity allowance was introduced and currently stands at 43 weeks followed by paternity leave in 1978 and fathers were granted the option to have leave and an allowance. From 1985 the child home care allowance was introduced allowing children up to the age of 3 years the option to be raised at home. The parent's jobs are protected by laws that enable them to return after the leave period.In comparison the United Kingdom socially and culturally expect women to work and not stay at home, whether they have children or not. (A guide for new and expectant mothers who work, 2009). The government helps fund low income parents childcare costs thus allowing mothers with children of all ages to go out to work. The parent's make the final choice but financially parents are offered incentives by the government to work encouraging parents to be part of the working society and not child home educators.

