
8 年前 374次浏览 英国莱斯特论文代写:java程序编译已关闭评论



Every java program is both compiled and interpreted so the java is also abnormal. We interpret a java program into an intermediate language with the compilation is called as java byte codes and this code is platform independent after that this code instruction will be send and run on the computer Compilation happens just once; interpretation occurs each time the program is executed. The figure illustrates how this works.On a computer the instruction travels rapidly. The compilation takes place only once at a time but each and every time when the program executes then the interpretation occurs. The below diagram shows that how it works and can think about the java virtual machine. We can run the java applets by using a java interpreter which is a implementation of java. It can also be executed in the hardware. You can compile your java program into byte codes on my platform that has a java compiler. The bytes codes can run any implementation of the java virtual machine. For an example the same java program can run the Solaris, Macintosh.

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