
8 年前 476次浏览 英国拉夫堡大学论文代写:教育的研究已关闭评论

的开章书,教育的研究,贝茨和刘易斯自传式帐户教育温迪,写的一个早期教育家。探索她的童年的早期,温蒂提出了她的感觉与教育脱节由于无效的教学实践,建立了一个基金会非常恐惧的术语。她形容自己的班主任是一个严格的专制的教学哲学是仿照洛克的经验教学的方法,描述了孩子的心灵空白的纸,需要指令从外部来源以形式想法和观点(洛克,1924)。温蒂说,“我讨厌她的冷漠和撤退到自己每当她教我们班上一个教训”(贝茨和刘易斯,2009年,p . 10)。这减少了温迪的信心和学习兴趣,让她智商问题。然而,当她转移到一个稍微进步的学习环境,老师并不是一个可怕的人物,她不仅成为了一名学生,充分享受学习过程。教育她的恐惧消失了,有一个纯粹的增加自信.


In the opening chapter of their book, The Study of Education (2009), Bates and Lewis present an autobiographical account on education written by Wendy, an early years educator. While exploring the early years of her childhood, Wendy puts forth her feeling of disconnect with education due to the ineffective teaching practices that built up a foundation of fear around the very term. She describes her head teacher as being a strict authoritarian whose teaching philosophy was modelled on Locke's 'empirical pedagogical' approach that described the child's mind as a blank sheet of paper that needed instruction from an exterior source in order to form ideas and opinions ( Locke, 1924). Wendy says, 'I loathed her for her remoteness and retreated into myself whenever she taught a lesson in our class' (Bates and Lewis, 2009, p. 10). This diminished Wendy's confidence and interest in learning and made her question her intelligence quotient. However, when she shifted to a slightly progressive learning environment where the teacher was not a scary figure, she not only became an A student but thoroughly enjoyed the learning process. Her fear of education disappeared and there was a sheer boost in self confidence

