
8 年前 477次浏览 英国拉夫堡大学论文代写:广告已关闭评论 ,

广告已经存在了相当长一段时间,比许多人认为进一步回来。为了理解广告的力量今天重要的是要理解它的长和不断变化的历史。报纸广告作为一个离散的形式开始,在17世纪。“西方广告的历史至少可以追溯到1630年代,当法国人Theophraste Renaudot放置第一个广告指出法国在洛杉矶公报”(Pincas Loiseau,2008)。在接下来的两个世纪,广告仅限于行或分类广告,简单的产品描述和价格信息。在19世纪晚期,技术进步允许广告商创建广告,颜色和插图。




Advertising has been around for quite a while, much further back than many people think. In order to understand the power of advertising today it is important to understand its long and ever-changing history. Advertising as a discrete form began with newspapers, in the seventeenth century. "The history of western advertising dates back at least the 1630s, when Frenchman Théophraste Renaudot placed the first advertising notes in La Gazette de France"( Pincas and Loiseau, 2008). For the next two centuries, advertising was limited to line or classified advertising, simple product descriptions with pricing information. In the late nineteenth century, technological advances allowed advertisers to create ads with color and illustrations.

One of the first successful advertising campaigns was the campaign for Pears Soap. In 1865, Thomas Barrett who has been called "the father of modern advertising" married into the famous Pears soap family. Barrett quickly realized that the company would not survive unless they became more aggressive about pushing their products. He launched a series of ads based on "fine art" that featured cherubic children. The images appealed to the public on an emotional level and branded Pears soap as a simple, pure, high quality product. Barrett might have been the first to recognize and exploit the fact that people will buy products based on their emotional appeal but it did not take long for other manufacturers to follow his example. Food suppliers and purveyors were among the first to jump on the advertising bandwagon.

In the mid-to-late 19th century, scientists began to see a relationship between health and food. This period saw the beginnings of what we now know as "nutritional science". By the turn of the 20th century, the population, particularly in the United States, had become more health conscious. Advertisers jumped on the concept of, "you are what you eat." And food advertisements emphasized the "wholesomeness" and "healthfulness" of their products. The American Cereal Company's Quaker Oats ads claimed that its cereal "leads to good health" telling people to eat less meat and "more Quaker Oats". At fairs like the Pan-American Exposition, vendors distributed literature on trade cards and hired "barkers" to "sell" to the public the idea that their products would make a person feel better and live longer. Advertising truly began affecting the food choices that people made in their everyday lives.

