
8 年前 349次浏览 英国坎布里亚论文代写:教育工作者已关闭评论



While educators learn how to better address the needs of students in the diverse classroom, the needs and desires of parents should be considered a central factor in the success of these children. To improve the involvement of parents in schools, teachers should think outside of the typical meetings and chaperoning field trip roles that only certain parents can afford to fulfill. An article in Parents magazine describes options such as maintaining a school web page or staffing a homework hotline. Parents who speak non-English languages could help communicate assignments with students who speak the same language. Teachers can videotape or televise meetings and events so people who are not free during the school day can see them at a time more convenient for them.Addressing the needs of the family and community as a whole is another way to encourage involvement by a diverse population, as advocated in an Education World online article. Creating a family center at the school to encourage communication allows parents to stop by the school at their convenience. Family needs can be assessed to provide for greater care for the family unit and community. For example, if a family needs social service referrals or improved access to healthcare, the school can act as a liaison to ensure that these basic needs are met. Children can learn better in schools when they are healthy and supported, and trust between the parents and the school can be established when families know the children are being cared for even beyond the school day. Finally, allowing parents and families to participate in the ways in which they feel comfortable can make being involved a less daunting task.

