英国经济学论文代写 澳洲土著

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英国经济学论文代写 澳洲土著

Generally, this matter the government can’t deny that attendance is not important. The attendance rate for indigenous is lower than non-indigenous. For example, the data above the shown number of indigenous student 82.3%, which lower than non-indigenous student 93% in 2017, this leading gap between does two about 10%. However, according to data attendance rate are no change and no change in the gap as well.As mention, not all people have equal or get opportunities especially with indigenous people. Even though indigenous people have an exception in some area but still they need more help and support from the government. Education is an important part not just for indigenous people but it applies to all peoples. Within this education will help to support young indigenous people to achieve a better future and they can support their families.The fact according to The Indigenous Economic Development Strategy 2011-2018 (Strategy) there are several areas government need to be improved for the educational outcome such as: Improve access to early childhood education – government need to ensure that all the young indigenous people will have an access to a quality program early childhood this has been active in 2013, also government need to deliver a teacher with a quality teaching early childhood before a formal schooling start, under a National Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education. The government has spent more than $970 million over five years from 2008. Indigenous educational outcome – government need to work with an educational provider to support more teaching quality to young indigenous people wider and more effective by Plans Personalized Learning. Improve indigenous literacy and numeracy outcome – according to (Prime Minister report’s 2018) show data that in 2017, year 9 has reached an average of Trajectory, which in track according to the national level, whereas other outcomes were below than an average Trajectory. Particularly, more/or less indigenous student has achieved a national standard level in numeracy.

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