
8 年前 470次浏览 英国金斯顿大学论文代写:典型的家长计划已关闭评论

多么典型的家长参与计划的一些老师不工作的一个例子是马丁内兹和valazquez 2000条农民工证明西班牙。他们写道,教师通常持有的期望,家长参与他们的孩子的教育应围绕准备孩子上学,参加学校赞助的活动,并做教师要求的活动。然而,许多西班牙裔移民工人的生活环境,阻止他们履行这个角色。当这些人缺乏时间、流利的英语和教育程度,他们发现他们无法满足教师的期望。这并不是说他们不愿意,而是他们不能给出自己的情况。 有证据表明,让家长参与孩子的学校只会带来积极的结果,但在我们多元文化社会的许多家长无法反映典型的“参与家长”的形象,许多教师认为,作为一个标准。就业的影响可能会阻碍在课堂上提供帮助的时间,教育水平或语言水平的尴尬,阻止那些谁能够活跃在课堂上。以棉花和wickelund随笔(1989)指出,来自弱势背景的父母可以用一种不同的感觉值得在课堂上如果由学校管理和教师适当的培训和激励。


An example of how the typical parental involvement scheme of some teachers doesn't work is evidenced in Martinez and Valazquez's 2000 article on Hispanic migrant workers. They write that teachers typically hold the expectation that parent involvement in their children's education should revolve around preparing children for school, coming to school-sponsored events, and doing activities the teacher requests. However, the life circumstances of many Hispanic migrant workers prevent them from fulfilling this role. When these individuals lack time, fluency in English, and educational attainment, they find they are unable to meet teacher expectations. It is not that they are unwilling - it is that they are incapable given their situation.Evidence shows that getting parents involved in their children's schools can only lead to positive results, but many parents in our multicultural society are unable to mirror the typical "involved parent" image many teachers hold as a standard. Influences of employment can hinder the time available for helping in the classroom, and embarrassment about educational level or language proficiency deter those who would otherwise be able to be active in the classroom. An essay by Cotton and Wickelund (1989) points out that parents from disadvantaged backgrounds can make a difference and feel worthwhile in the classroom if given proper training and encouragement by the school administration and teacher.

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