英国教育学essay代写 学术成就

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英国教育学essay代写 学术成就

In order to achieve academic accomplishment, the school system must provide means in order to accommodate every student that is enrolled in their school. There is a large spectrum of what children may need and especially regarding the particular population of Latinos it is becoming known that there is lack of culturally competent school personnel that can provide what these students need to thrive. Cultural concept is defined as the set of consistent behaviors, attitudes, and practices that unilaterally form a system across professionals that enables them to work collectively across cultures . The school setting is made up of a variety of people including teachers, various staff, and administration. Each play a role in how learning is facilitated and within this, cultural representation should exist and respect for diverse people and ethnicities should be established. School personnel are responsible for developing and creating an environment where culture is welcomed, diverse values are encouraged and where learning is ultimately facilitated for students. When students are reaffirmed and feel they are respected in the school setting they will become driven to rise to the academic platforms before them. If the adults around them provide a healthy example by providing understanding and taking an interest in their general will-being it will change their involvement in the classroom. Culture should not be overlooked it should be appreciated and integrated into school activities. Ultimately staff should be trained in cultural competent methods that are responsive to diversity and help eliminate bias. It is the job as a teacher to understand each student and be a resource a student can utilize. Students should feel that their teacher is approachable and able to provide the means to promote active and successful learning. Failing to step up as a member of the school staff can create negative student perceptions which in turn discourages the involvement in academic achievement. By creating the foundation for a negative perspective, engagement in academics will severely decrease and will ultimately result in students losing the will to try.

