
8 年前 462次浏览 英国环境研究代写论文:阿联酋的学校已关闭评论



achievement in schools across emirates to determine which schools are performing well and which are not. This, in turn, would enable schools to implement tracking processes for the progress of students, whereby teachers could identify where students are falling behind and how they can work together to help the students to improve their work. Creating Sustainable and Suitable Curriculum Reform Processes The final challenge that lies ahead for the UAE is one that holds larger political and economic consequences for the country. It is the challenge of creating a national body that is able to develop and revise the national curriculum. This body needs to be comprised of local experts who are able to produce and review proposed curriculum changes. The Ministry of Education and the Abu Dhabi Education Council have both relied heavily on foreign expertise to spearhead their curriculum development initiatives. Though it is easy in the short term to import consultants who tend to be more experienced in the field, such a situation is unsustainable in the long term, as it leaves Emirati nationals and experts excluded from the process and, consequently, without the necessary skills to develop curricula. Through decreasing its reliance on external expertise and providing better education and training for nationals and home grown experts, the UAE has an opportunity to build local capacity for developing curriculum. This process needs to begin with the UAE being more cautious when "borrowing" curricula reforms from abroad. So far the UAE has depended heavily on expertise from the United States and Australia, from which it imports the majority of its curriculum. However, both countries are relatively weak performers in the TIMSS and PISA assessments. In fact, US students lag behind Finland by roughly two full grades in math and science. Therefore, in the pursuit of a better, more encompassing curriculum the UAE may need to explore the possibility of learning from the experiences of other countries, such as the top-scoring PISA and TIMSS performers, Korea and Finland. Concerns about loss of national identity are also an important reason why the UAE requires its own curriculum authority. Nowhere is national identity more clearly defined than through the public school curriculum. External consultants cannot fully understand the needs of the nation, its vision, its goals, and its moral foundations. This is illustrated in recent concerns that have been raised about the shift to using English as a medium of instruction in the Madares Al Ghad Schools, whereby parents and Federal National Council (FNC) members have expressed fears over a decline in children's command of Arabic.18 Many also felt resentful of a foreign language and a foreign curriculum being imposed upon Emirati children. If there was more local involvement in curriculum development, many of these problems could be diminished or mitigated. Conclusion It is undeniable that providing the appropriate curriculum in schools is essential to creating a generation of innovative and skilled citizens. To that end, the curriculum must be conceptualized in holistic terms as more than just what should be taught but also as how it is being taught and assessed. Without a comprehensive approach, curriculum development will continue to be understood solely in terms of textbook development. If a wider view of curriculum is embraced, fundamental issues such as offering

