
8 年前 413次浏览 英国动物科学论文代写:很容易工作已关闭评论

很容易工作单独但很难与在一个团队工作。很难的工作“我们”,而不是“我”。一个团队是一个混合的不同类型的人。他们可以独裁政权或顺从,热情或迟钝,主动或被动。根据Belbin的团队角色理论贡献分类不同类型的人在一个团队(Aritzeta Swailes &高级,2007;普里查德,j . s . &斯坦顿,n。,1999)。理论指出,在团队中有一个监控之前考虑所有选项通过判断,植物是一个人的创造力中心团队。资源调查员很兴奋和热爱他的工作。一个实现者是团队成员谁几乎实现了原计划。一个更完备的细致和完美主义者。他从不错过小细节。所有团队成员之间的协调促进协调和作为一个律师。经过仔细检查这个理论和分析自己,我来到一个结论,我是一个团队工作者和完成者。作为一个团队工作是我所珍视的作用。我总是在一个团队工作作为一个团队,不强调个人的自我。我倾听别人的意见,把方向,在需要的时候帮助其他团队成员。另一方面我对我的工作非常细致,我想完成分配给我的工作,从不让它不完整。这两个特质让我成为一个奇怪的混合。我非常平易近人但同时对工作的质量非常挑剔这让我同样严格。但是我认为我是一个资产,我和我的团队努力实现团队的目标。


It is easy to work individually but it is hard to work with in a team. It is hard to work as 'we' rather than 'I'. A team is a blend of different type of people. They can be authoritarians or submissive, enthusiastic or dull, proactive or passive. According to the Belbin's theory of team role contribution classify various type of people in a team (Aritzeta, Swailes & Senior, 2007; Prichard, J. S. & Stanton, N. A., 1999). The theory states that there is a monitor in a team who considers all options before passing a judgment, A plant is a person who is the creativity hub of the team. Resource investigator is excited and passionate about his work. An implementer is the team member who practically implements what has been originally planned. A completer is meticulous and perfectionist. He never misses small details. A Coordinator facilitates coordination among all team members and acts as a solicitor. After a careful examination of this theory and analysis of myself, I came to conclusion that I am a team worker and a completer. Being a team worker is my cherished role. I always work in a team as a team and do not highlight my individual self. I listen to others, take directions well and help other team members when needed. On the other hand I am very meticulous about my work; I want to finish the job that has been assigned to me and never leave it incomplete. These two qualities make me a strange blend. I am very approachable but at the same time very fussy about the quality of the work which makes me equally rigid. But still I think that I am an asset to my team and I work hard for achieving the goals of the team.

