
8 年前 466次浏览 英国大曼彻斯特论文代写:变化的学习方法已关闭评论

学习的方法,如所描述的不断发展,以满足不断变化的社会的要求,这些可以被理解为已经制定出来的社会历史背景的那些制定和与他们合作。目前在英国的实践是一个包容性的学习环境,对个人的强烈关注。评估儿童使用的策略,如应用程序,提供了一个深入和个人看学生的进步和发展。学生也可以有单独的学费和有针对性的助推器会议,以及个别教育计划。此外,有特殊教育需要的学生可以在课堂上额外的全职成人支持。然而,专注于包容性和个性产生的紧张局势。可以说,一个教室和学校社区的不同个体有许多社会和文化的好处。它反映社会和庆祝多样性。然而,从学习的角度来看,这种方法可能有缺点。当一个教室里有这么多不同的能力水平和有限的资源来满足这些个人的需要(我自己的一年6班有一个甚至从P到5C的识字能力水平)的时候,个人能得到怎样的照顾呢?在同一时间和空间内,一个教室里的天才和天才学生都能在适当的水平上教吗?所有的课程都能区别到所有的学习者都在努力工作吗?目前的重点是区分的经验教训,以确保这种情况的发生,但实际的限制往往会破坏尝试。根据我自己的经验,我注意到在所有课程中,学习者可能没有被足够的拉伸。在任何有许多不同需求的教室里,教师很难以最有效的方式同所有的学习者交流。例如,当一个因素是在课堂上,如多动症、情绪和行为上的困难,EAL和G & T的学习者,是一个教师,同时使用许多不同的方法成功地针对所有这些学习者的困难。因此,在某些情况下,可能会有一个论点,将学生设置成有针对性的能力群体,以便更好地满足他们的需求。这发生在我的基础学校的数学课,这是设置在两年的群体,即3年和4套,和一年5和6套。我自己的观察是,这使得计划和交付的教训更有效,孩子们可以学习的速度适合他们。然而,它需要仔细和仔细的评估和审查。


Approaches to learning such as those described are continually evolving to meet the requirements of changing societies, and those above can be understood to have evolved out of the socio-historical contexts of those who formulated and worked with them. Current practise in the UK is towards an inclusive learning environment with a strong focus on the individual. Children are assessed using strategies such as APP which provide an in-depth and individual look at pupils' progress and development. Pupils may also have individual tuition and targeted booster sessions, and an Individual Education Plan. Furthermore, pupils with Special Educational Needs may have additional full-time adult support in the classroom. However a focus on both inclusiveness and individuality generates a tension. It can be argued that a classroom and school community of diverse individuals has many social and cultural benefits. It reflects society and celebrates diversity. From a learning point of view however there may be disadvantages to this approach. How well can individuals actually be catered for when there are so many different ability levels in one classroom, and limited resources to meet those individuals' needs (my own Year 6 base class has an even spread of literacy ability levels from P to 5C )? Can both Gifted & Talented and SEN pupils within a classroom be taught at an appropriate level within the same space and time? Can all lessons be differentiated to the extent that all learners are working at their optimum? The present focus on differentiation of lessons is an attempt to ensure that this happens, but practical constraints can often undermine attempts. In my own experience I have noticed that G&T learners may not be being stretched enough in all lessons. In any classroom with many diverse needs, it may be difficult for a teacher to simultaneously address all learners in the most effective manner. For example, when a number of factors are present in the classroom, such as ADHD, emotional and behavioural difficulties, EAL and G&T learners, it is difficult for a teacher to simultaneously utilise a number of different approaches in order to successfully target all of these learners. There may therefore be an argument in some instances for the setting of pupils into targeted ability groups, so that their needs can be better met. This takes place in maths lessons in my base school, which are set between two-year groups, i.e. year 3 & 4 sets, and year 5&6 sets. My own observation is that this makes planning and delivery of lessons more effective, and that children can learn at a rate which suits them. It does however require close and careful assessment and review.

