
8 年前 517次浏览 英国柴论文代写:移民的家庭已关闭评论

苏格兰移民的家庭数量增加了这些年来,特别是2004年,来到苏格兰的移民数量大大增加(计数我们,pg 2)。在这节课,我们检查了两个移民和移民的数量的统计孩子进入新学校。对我来说,作为一名发展中的小学教师,看看苏格兰移民的数量对学校教育数据的影响是很有趣的。人们移居到另一个国家的原因可能会有很大的不同。许多人出于家庭原因或新职业而搬家,而另一些人搬家是因为他们想要一个安全的地方。移民对苏格兰社会和学校都产生了巨大的影响。作为一个社会,我们不仅要在移民的社区中更受欢迎,也要更受欢迎。对所有家庭表示尊重,并意识到这些家庭每天要面对的事情是至关重要的。当一个家庭移民到苏格兰并把他们的孩子(ren)送入一所学校时,它会影响到学校的A5。作为小学教师,我们必须考虑双语,并意识到多样性。在教室里,我们必须确保孩子们在任何时候都能感到舒适和理解,因为我们有责任确保他们不会落在工作后面,并且正在学习。


The number of families immigrating to Scotland has increased throughout the years and, particularly in 2004, the number of immigrants that came to Scotland increased considerably (Count Us In, pg 2). During this lecture, we examined the statistics of both immigration and the number of immigrant children moving into new schools. For me as a developing primary teacher, it was interesting to see how the number of immigrants coming to Scotland affected the schooling statistics. The reasons that people move to another country can vary drastically. Many move for family reasons or new careers whereas others move because they want a place of safety.Immigration has a huge impact on both Scottish society and schools. As a society, we have to be more welcoming as a whole as well as just in the communities where the immigrants move to. Showing respect to all families and becoming aware of what some of these families will face every day is essential. When a family immigrate to Scotland and put their child(ren) into a school, it affects the school sector[A5]. As primary teachers, we must think about bilingualism and become aware of diversity. Inside the classroom, we have to ensure that the child is comfortable and understands what is going on at all times as it is our responsibility to make sure that they do not fall behind on the work and are learning.

