
8 年前 484次浏览 英国材料科学代写essay:社会参与者已关闭评论

如果一个孩子要成为一个成功的社会参与者,我们必须了解学习的个人、社会和文化方面的重要性。解决这些问题的方法并不简单,因为它们必须反映一个不断变化的世界和社会。价值观的国家课程一定能解决这个问题,定位在一组关于“自我关系的目的与价值、社会与环境”(1999,p148-149),反映和影响社会的价值观。这些值代表的是一个对个人,积极的道德共同体,与社会,与“快速变化的世界”(1999 P10)。价值观进一步定义为两个不同但相互依存的目标:“为所有学生提供学习和实现的机会”和“促进学生的精神,道德,社会和文化的发展和准备的机会,责任和生活的所有学生”。在这种方式中,课程是明确的事实,即学术学习的背景下,不可分割的儿童发展的其他领域。因此,它假定一个整体的教育方法,解决了整个孩子作为一个个体,在社会和社会背景。


If a child is to become a successful participant in society it is essential that we understand the importance of the personal, social and cultural aspects of learning. The means to address these are not straightforward, as they must reflect a constantly and rapidly changing world and society. The values of the National Curriculum necessarily address this, orientating itself around a set of purposes and values concerning "self, relationships, society and the environment" (1999, p148-149), which reflect and influence the values of society. These values represent a positive ethic towards the individual, community, and society, and "the rapidly changing world" (1999 p10). The values are further defined as two distinct yet interdependent aims; "to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and achieve" and "to promote pupils spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life". In this way, the curriculum is explicit about the fact that academic learning is set in the context of and inseparable from other areas of children's development. Thus it posits a holistic approach to education which addresses the whole child both as an individual and in social and societal contexts.

