
7 年前 452次浏览 英国财经学作业代写:语言掌握已关闭评论



already know one or more other language and are adding English to that repertoire.¿½ There are also other terms used which interlink such as bilingual and advanced EAL which is a term used by Ofsted to describe children who have had considerable exposure to English. The current context for this group as described by the national strategies are that EAL children are still a minority ethnic group, although children from these groups may form the majority in some school contexts nationally they are still referred to as the minority ethnic group. School Census data shows that only a very small percentage of EAL learners are white .Jackson published a paper on EAL children called breaking down the language barrier which showed the current climate for EAL children in Britain, the paper was intended to discuss what could be done for the increasing number of pupils in our schools with little English. The Government says that even among middle-class immigrants who arrived last year, more than a third would have failed a basic English test. What can we do as teachers to fix this? Every year, tens of thousands of children arrive in the UK with little or no English. Most will lag behind their peers by two or more years in school performance. The dangers of a second-generation underclass are very apparent according to Jackson. We need to ensure that all children are reaching their potential.

