
7 年前 464次浏览 英国布里斯托尔论文代写:关注儿童教育已关闭评论

人们越来越关注儿童的健康状况,以及他们的教育程度真的很低。Jackson等人(2005年P: 1)提出,在20世纪90年代之前,对儿童和青少年的教育研究几乎不存在,尽管这一主题最近吸引了更多的兴趣。尽管早期研究中发现的大多数发现都是非常消极和令人沮丧的。(Milligan, Stevens 2006 P: 94 Cox 2000 P: 65)研究表明,儿童在护理出勤率低,排斥率高。此外数据;持续地表明,照顾孩子的结果在获得资格方面是很差的。(Taylor 2006)这些孩子更有可能有特殊的教育需求,尽管调查结果表明,其中一些孩子在上学之前可能经历过困难。贫困和贫困的年轻人在护理方面的经验与未取得的成就有关。对其他的儿童来说,照顾可能会导致教育问题。


There has been growing concerns regarding the health status of looked-after children and their really low levels of educational attainment. Jackson et al (2005 P: 1) proposes that research on the education of children and young people in care was just about non-existent until the 1990s and although this subject has attracted more interest lately. Although the majority of the findings found in early studies were extremely negative and depressing. (Milligan, Stevens 2006 P: 94 Cox 2000 P: 65) Studies show that children in care attendance rates are low and exclusion is high. Furthermore data; continuously indicate that looked after children have poor outcomes in terms of gaining qualifications.(Taylor 2006) These children are more likely to have special educational needs, though findings suggest that some of these children may have experienced difficulties at school before going into care. Prior experiences of poverty and deprivation amongst young people in care are associated with under-achievement. For other children being in care may cause educational problems.

