
8 年前 448次浏览 英国布里斯托尔大学论文代写:电视广告已关闭评论 ,



The first television advertisement appeared on July, 1941 during a baseball game on a local New York channel. The 10-second commercial spot broadcasted by the company Bulova Watches has revolutionized the television (Business Wikipedia). It knew a large overwhelm that pushed many other companies to jump on board .By 1948; many additional companies adopted this new marketing technique, and little by little , the new tool has become familiar and very used and companies were obliged to compete against each other to attract the largest number of customers . For this reason they tend to employ the more attracting image to convince people to buy. One of these images is that of woman. Since the late 60s, there have been concerns about woman�s portrayal in the media. Western advertisers introduce her in different commercials since they had noticed that her appearance is very effective in term of attractiveness. But, it is so noticeable that in the majority of ads, women are stereotyped and abused. However many wrong ideas are promoted about them, since they are always viewed as objects used to attract people�s attention. Besides their devaluation, the content of advertisement contains a lot of violence against them.Nowadays, advertisements are seen everywhere at any time. Most of advertisers seek to present a beautiful sexy woman in their commercials in order to market products and by doing so they consider her as just a sex object that can persuade the consumer by means of seduction to buy. Many companies have succeeded in increasing their revenues by using the sexual context which has enlarged their customer base and attracted a largest number of clients. Therefore, Berger considers these advertisement techniques as �sexploitation of the female body as one of its communication tools

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