
8 年前 627次浏览 英国伯明翰大学论文代写:健康科学已关闭评论 ,


自从在医院环境中,文化往往集中在治疗,继续侵入性程序,调查,和治疗(米尔斯,戴维斯,&麦克雷,1994),可能是练的舒适的病人。Kinghorn &盖恩斯(2001)承认的死亡是一个医疗领域,其中一个希望实现卓越,并确保有尊严的和和平的死亡。

综合保健途径(ICP)已经确认一个改进和规范的治疗,同时确保最后尊严的生活。它是一个和多个学科相关的护理管理工具旨在使实施循证护理和支持临床治理的实际交付(Mirando戴维斯分校& Lipp,2005)。此外,当病人护理可以一致的循证方法,护士可以有权减少护理的变异(拉特里奇& Kuebler 2005),虽然是最优的可能性增加病人的结果


I am currently undertaking a part time course to obtain a BSc in Health Science. As part of our assessment in the Death, Dying and Care module, we were advised to write a report to the management about a feasible service/programme that can be implemented in the wards to improve the quality of end of life care. I am therefore, pleased to present my final report "Integrated Care Pathways to improve the quality of end-of-life Report". In my opinion, the implementation of this a program in Mater Dei Hospital, will enhance the excellence of care. In addition, I prepared a sample information leaflet for the relatives. However, this is only a draft since it has to be discussed with the multidisciplinary team for their ideas and include additional information.

Since in a hospital setting, the culture is often focused on cure, continuation of invasive procedures, investigations, and treatments (Mills, Davies, & Macrae, 1994), may be practiced at the expense of the comfort of the patient. Kinghorn & Gaines, (2001) acknowledged that care of the dying is an area of healthcare where one would hope to achieve excellence, and ensure a dignified and peaceful death.

Integrated care pathways (ICP) have been one acknowledgement to improve and standardise care while ensure dignity at the end of life. It is a multidisciplinary care management tool designed to enable the implementation of evidence-based care and support the practical delivery of clinical governance (Mirando, Davis, & Lipp, 2005). Moreover, when patient care can be delivered in a consistent evidence-based approach, nurses can be empowered to decrease the variation of care (Rutledge & Kuebler 2005), while there is an increased likelihood for optimal patient outcomes


