
7 年前 505次浏览 英国北约克论文代写:纳粹党元首已关闭评论

纳粹宣传的起源可以追溯到纳粹党的25点计划和阿道夫·希特勒的自传《我的奋斗》,他强调了宣传和灌输德国人的重要性。这是通过许多途径进行的,例如公开游行、演讲、报纸(Voelkischer Beobachter)和镇压反对的人。他们的共同目标是把希特勒描绘成德国可悲状况的答案。反对共产主义的意识形态得到了中上层阶级选民的支持和支持,而社会主义的推广则被用来获得工人阶级的选票。希特勒成功地唤起了德国人对爱国主义和民族主义的情感,并承诺引导德国远离共产主义、社会主义、工会主义和民主的不民主(Shirer,1990)。必须指出的是,为了吸引德国的所有社会阶层,希特勒在他的大规模演讲中承诺了含糊不清的承诺,这并不奇怪,因为很多人经常自相矛盾。像1923年的政变这样的事件被用来使希特勒成为一个国家形象,一个爱国者和一个英雄。作为阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)最亲密的伙伴之一,保罗·约瑟夫·戈培尔(Paul Joseph Goebbels)在1933年被任命为纳粹党的宣传部长之前,就对纳粹的宣传产生了重大影响。他成功地公布了希特勒的形象,他是一个狂热的民族主义者,他承诺要恢复德国军队昔日的荣耀。纳粹的宣传创造了希特勒周围的个人崇拜,使他们相信他可以通过团结社会阶级,恢复军国主义,并从凡尔赛条约的痛苦中宽恕国家,从而重建德国的荣耀。因此,尽管纳粹的宣传试图实现各种目标,如《凡尔赛条约》(Treaty of Versailles)、魏玛共和国(Weimar Republic)和反犹太主义意识形态的软弱,最主要的方面是阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)的神化,作为纳粹党的元首。


The origins of Nazi propaganda can be traced to the Nazi Party’s 25 point program and Adolf Hitler’s autobiography titled Mein Kampf, in which he emphasises on the importance of propaganda and indoctrination of the German population. This was carried out through many avenues such as public marches, speeches, newspapers (Voelkischer Beobachter) and repression of all those who opposed. The common goal was to portray Hitler as the answer to Germany’s deplorable situation. Anti-Communist ideologies were promoted to gain support and funds from the middle and upper class voters, whereas the promotion of socialism was used to garner the votes of the working class. Hitler managed to arouse German sentiments of patriotism and nationalism, and promised to lead Germany away from communism, socialism, trade unionism and the futilities of democracy (Shirer, 1990). It must be noted that in order to appeal to all the social classes in Germany, Hitler kept his promises during his mass speeches vague, which was unsurprising as many were often contradictory. Events such as the Putsch in 1923 were used to make Hitler a national figure, a patriot and a hero. As one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associate, Paul Joseph Goebbels had a substantial influence on Nazi propaganda even before he was appointed as propaganda minister for the Nazi Party in 1933. He successfully promulgated Hitler’s image as a fanatical nationalist who promised to restore the German Army’s former glory. The Nazi propaganda created the cult of personality around Hitler, leading them to believe that he could re-establish the glory of Germany by uniting the social classes, restoring militarism, and to absolve the nation from the misery of the Versailles treaty. Therefore, although the Nazi propaganda sought to fulfil various goals such as the humiliation of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, the weakness of the Weimar Republic and Anti-Semitism ideologies, the most dominant aspect was the deification of Adolf Hitler, as the Fuhrer of the Nazi Party.

