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麦克白是莎士比亚最激烈的角色之一。虽然麦克白当然不是英雄,但他也不是典型的反派;他对自己的许多血腥罪行感到内疚是该剧的核心主题。超自然影响的存在是“麦克白”的另一个主题,它使其与莎士比亚的许多其他戏剧区别开来。但莎士比亚的角色依赖鬼魂和其他超凡脱俗的人物(麦克白,哈姆雷特,李尔)通常最终表现不佳。麦克白是恶吗?很难将麦克白视为天生邪恶的生物,因为很明显他缺乏品格力量。剧中的事件也会影响他的心理稳定性 - 他的内疚导致他产生很大的精神痛苦并导致幻觉,例如着名的血腥匕首和Banquo的幽灵。在这方面,麦克白与哈姆雷特有更多的共同之处,而不是莎士比亚的其他彻头彻尾的反派,如来自“奥赛罗”的伊阿古。然而,与哈姆雷特不同,麦克白很快就会采取行动以实现他的愿望,即使这意味着犯下谋杀罪。麦克白故事的起源
“麦克白”是根据英国1577年出版的名为“霍林斯的编年史”的历史而作出的。它包含了关于King Duff的故事,他在自己的房子里被他的臣民谋杀,其中包括Donwald,Macbeth的模拟物。这段历史与莎士比亚的版本具有相同的女巫预言,甚至还有一个名为Banquo的角色。但与莎士比亚的版本不同,Banquo是麦克白的受害者,在早期版本中,Banquo是Donwald在国王谋杀案中的帮凶。另一个细节莎士比亚从早期的“编年史”改变是国王谋杀的位置。麦克白在麦克白的城堡里杀死了邓肯。麦克白的性格在比赛开始时,麦克白被誉为勇敢的士兵,并获得了国王的新头衔。正如三位女巫所预测的那样,他成为了Cawdor的塔纳人,他的诡计有助于推动麦克白的野心并将他变成凶手和暴君。 Macbeth需要多大程度上转向谋杀还不清楚,但三个神秘女性的话似乎足以驱使他杀人。当我们看到麦克白夫人操纵他是多么容易时,我们对麦克白作为勇敢士兵的看法进一步受到侵蚀。麦克白很快就会充满野心和自我怀疑。虽然他不断质疑自己的行为,但他也被迫进行进一步的暴行,以掩盖他以前的不法行为。麦克白的堕落麦克白对他的行为从不满意,即使他们为他赢得了奖金,因为他敏锐地意识到自己的暴政。在比赛结束时,士兵们在他的门口时会感到宽慰。然而,他仍然保持愚蠢的自信 - 也许是因为他对女巫预测的无误信念。戏剧在它开始的地方结束:战斗。虽然麦克白作为暴君被杀,但有一种感觉是他的士兵地位在戏剧的最后场景中恢复。在整个比赛过程中,麦克白全面展开。


Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most intense characters. While Macbeth is certainly no hero, he's not a typical villain either; his guilt for his many bloody crimes is a central theme of the play. The presence of supernatural influence is another theme of "Macbeth" that sets it apart from many of Shakespeare's other plays. But Shakespeare's characters who rely on ghosts and otherworldly portents (Macbeth, Hamlet, Lear) usually don't fare well in the end. Is Macbeth Evil? It is difficult to view Macbeth as an inherently evil creature because it is clear that he lacks strength of character. The events of the play also affect his mental stability – his guilt causes him a great deal of mental anguish and leads to hallucinations, such as the famous bloody dagger and the ghost of Banquo. In this respect, Macbeth has more in common with Hamlet than with Shakespeare’s other out-and-out villains like Iago from "Othello." However, unlike Hamlet, Macbeth is quick to act in order to fulfill his desires, even when it means committing murder. Origins of the Macbeth Story
"Macbeth" is based on a history of the United Kingdom published in 1577 called "Holinshed's Chronicles." It contains stories about King Duff, who is murdered in his own house by his subjects, among them Donwald, an analogue for Macbeth. This history has the same witches' prophecy as Shakespeare's version, and even a character named Banquo. But unlike Shakespeare's version where Banquo is Macbeth's victim, in the earlier version, Banquo is Donwald's accomplice in the king's murder. Another detail Shakespeare changed from the early "Chronicles" is the location of the king's murder. Macbeth kills Duncan in Macbeth's castle. Character of Macbeth At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is celebrated as a brave soldier and is rewarded with a new title from the king. He becomes the Thane of Cawdor as predicted by three witches, whose scheming helps drive Macbeth’s ambition and transform him into a murderer and tyrant. How much of a push Macbeth needed to turn to murder is not clear, but the word of three mysterious women appears to be enough to drive him to kill. Our perception of Macbeth as a brave soldier is further eroded when we see how easily he is manipulated by Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is soon overwhelmed with ambition and self-doubt. Although he constantly questions his own actions, he is also compelled to commit further atrocities in order to cover up his previous wrongdoings. Macbeth’s Downfall Macbeth is never happy with his actions, even when they have earned him his prize because he is acutely aware of his own tyranny. At the end of the play, there is a sense of relief when the soldiers are at his gate. However, he continues to remain foolhardily confident – perhaps due to his unerring belief in the witches’ predictions. The play ends where it began: with a battle. Although Macbeth is killed as a tyrant, there is a sense that his soldier status is reinstated in the final scenes of the play. Throughout the course of the play, Macbeth comes full circle.

