
8 年前 539次浏览 英国巴斯大学论文代写:海基宁已关闭评论 ,

根据Rantanen、时代和嘉尼•海基宁(1994),手握力与上肢的力量是相互关联的,一般身体的力量和一些人体测量。手柄测试采用,广泛用于临床客观测量上肢功能(Balogun、Akomolafe & Amusa,1991)。Rhind表示,鸟,和赖特(1980),握力是反复评估在临床设置作为疾病活动的指标。此测试程序的目的使用在临床评估上肢损伤的程度(Swanson,1995),在肌肉骨骼(阿格纽&马斯河,1991),神经或中风设置(海勒et al .,1987)。此外,王et al .(2005)提出了评估握力营养标记。手柄测试是一个很容易的经济测量管理,它是一个最好的指标整体实力的肢体(大米,坎宁安,帕特森& Rechnitzer,1989)。握力是经常使用在医学作为一个特定类型的测试的手的力量。根据Rantanen et al。(1999),该测试的目的是多样化,包括诊断疾病,评估和比较治疗,文档的肌肉力量,并提供反馈在康复过程中作为一个测量指示手功能的水平。它还可以用来测量疲劳预测功能的下降。


According to the Rantanen, Era, and Heikkinen (1994) the hand grip strength is interrelated with the strength of the upper extremity, general strength of the body and some anthropometric measurement. The hand grip test were adopted and used wide in clinical setting as an objective measure of upper extremity function (Balogun, Akomolafe, & Amusa, 1991). According to Rhind, Bird, and Wright (1980), grip strength is repeatedly evaluated in clinical settings as an indicator of disease activity. The objective used of this test in clinical setting are, evaluate the extent of upper limb impairment(Swanson, 1995), in a musculoskeletal (Agnew & Maas, 1991), neurological or stroke setting (Heller et al., 1987). In addition,Wang et al. (2005) were suggesting for evaluating grip strength as a nutritional marker. Hand grip test is an economical measurement that is easy to administer and it is one of the best indicators of the overall strength of the limb (Rice, Cunningham, Paterson, & Rechnitzer, 1989).The grip strength is frequently used in medicine as a specific type of test for hand strength. According to Rantanen et al. (1999), the purpose of this testing is diverse, including to diagnose diseases, to evaluate and compare treatments, to document progression of muscle strength, and to provide feedback during the rehabilitation process as a measure indicating the level of hand function. It also can be used to measure fatigue predict a decline in function in old age.

