
4 年前 421次浏览 申请essay写作你真的会了吗?盘点essay写作中的误区已关闭评论


  • essay的选题

在进行essay写作之前,首先我们要明白文章的研究方向是什么,根据老师列出的topic question选择要写的内容,当然有时老师并不只是给你一个问题,而是会让你在已有列表中选择案例进行分析。以topic question为例:

Please choose one of the questions listed below as your essay topic

  1. The role social media play in the democratic movement.
  2. The convergence of media in the digital age.


2)在案例的选择上,每个人都有自己的偏好,比如很多学生愿意选择课堂上讲过的案例,因为这样更易于撰写发展。这里Academicgod代写网跟大家说说几点个人的经验。首先,案例要符合你所选的主题或论点,两者契合度越高,文章越好写,同时也易于让你的论点更具说服力。其次,你要确定能够找到足够的academic reference去支撑你的论点。如果你选了一个非常新颖或小众的案例,但却找不到足够的相关学术资料或数据支持你的论证过程,那么你的文章也会给老师一种假大空的感觉(通篇观点都缺少学术性资料的支持)。最后,案例的选择上可以适当结合一些最近的热点,国内国外都行,关键是要选择那种老师不常见的,你自己又对这个案例感兴趣的。如果已经有其他人和你选择相同理论时,你更需要考虑如何让自己的文章在众多同学的文章中脱颖而出。另外,一个有趣的案例会让你在查找阅读资料的时候轻松不少,要知道,最痛苦的不是写而是写不完又不知道该如何收尾的话题。把握以上三点,就不至于在一开始就完全没方向没思路了,而且会让你的论文有更精准的写作方向,接下来就是实践中的一些注意事项。

  • 写作的准备工作
  • 查找并阅读相关资料

查找相关资料是写作必不可少的环节,但是并不是找来资料你就能完成这一写作环节,找到资料之后还好合理安排时间去阅读他们并记录他们,通常如果我们要 写一篇2000字左右的文章,那么我们至少要读6-8篇academic articles,当然这些阅读任务并不是让你在一天之内完成,也不是说你不读完这些就不能完成文章撰写,但是如果你真的想确保自己的分数在75以上(D/HD),那么这就是一项基本要求了。


当然在记笔记时,并不是随手写写的,我们最好能把分类记录,把同类观点放在一起,把不同观点分类记录,因为澳洲大学的论文都强调critical thinking(辩证的多角度论述问题),多方观点的对比论述会使得你的论文看起来更有深度,且利于展开。另外将这些的书目以及页码都详细记录在案,这样就很便于我们后续的摘录了。

当你做好以上步骤后,就要根据outline开始写作了。Outline通常包括 introduction, body, conclusion三大部分,建议大家把introduction放在最后再写。具体来说就是先写body和conclusion部分,通读全文后确定中心思想和段落结构再完成introduction部分。


Essay Structure


The introduction moves from general to specific.

  • open with a short orientation (introduce the topic area(s) with a general, broad, opening sentence).
  • answer the topic question with a thesis statement.
  • provide a summary or "road map" of your essay (keep it brief, but mention all the main ideas).


The body of your essay consists of paragraphs. Each is a building block in the construction of your argument.

The body is where you:

  • answer the question by developing a discussion.
  • show your knowledge and grasp of material you have read.
  • offer exposition and evidence to develop your argument.
  • use relevant examples and authoritative quotes.

If your question has more than one part, structure the body into sections that deal with each part of the question.


The conclusion moves from specific to general. It should:

  • restate your answer to the topic question;
  • re-summarise the main points and
  • include a final, broad statement (about possible implications, limits of this essay, future directions for research).

However, NEVER introduce new information or ideas in the conclusion - its purpose is to round off your essay by summing up.

  • 申请essay的写作方法
  • 仔细阅读说明


  • 写一个吸引人的开头


  • 保持真实性


  • 避免陈词滥调


  • 用充实且真实的例子支持自己的观点


  • 整洁的排版

Essay的字数是有限制的,但是短文也必须要有清晰的思路和逻辑,在提笔之前首先列出一个清晰的提纲,把你的文章分为三部分(Introduction,body and conclusion),让你的文章让人有一目了然的感觉会更棒。

  • 找人帮忙校对


  • 写作误区
  • 答非所问,论点不清,论据不足


  • 太过术语化


  • 试图迎合


  • 文章内容消极


  • 内容浮夸


  • 过度渲染个人魅力




The famous Greek mathematician archimedes once said, "give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." The basic principle of a lever is that as the length of a lever increases, the effort needed to be exerted to accomplish a task decreases. This fundamental law can also apply to life. Life's levers are experiences and opportunities that combine to motivate the individual to succeed. However, a lever is useless when forced upon an incorrectly placed fulcrum. Fulfilling oneself with passion and values is to build and place a strong and stable fulcrum. Without a passion for success, these opportunities and experiences become obsolete. Few fnd the correct balance between these variables and thus fail to reach their full potential. I, however, plan to be someone who finds that balance.

In an effort to build a successful lever for myself, I have searched for these experiences and opportunities all of my life. I have always had a passion for learning and a natural drive to succeed. At the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, I began to volunteer at a local, family owned zoo. This idea came from an innate passion for animals and an ongoing interest in science. At first, it was simply to complete a community service graduation requirement, but soon thereafter, I realized it was so much more. Work there was not like what most zoo volunteers experience. When other volunteers were following zookeepers and watching animals through cages at larger commercial zoos, I was spending nights "monkeysitting" my supervisor's newborn Japanese snow macaque. However, calling it work solely alludes to labor. It was more of a life-altering, unique opportunity and provided me with the experience that clenched my decision to major in animal science.

Along with my passion for animals, I am also always looking for ways to challenge myself intellectually. I am an active member of my school's Envirothon and Math teams and a Science Olympiad competitor. After high school, it has always been a goal of mine to attend an academically competitive university. A few years of researching brought me to Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). After attending the CALS open house and information lecture on the animal science department, I knew it was the perfect ft. One of the reoccurring themes of my conversations with students and professors alike was CALS dedication to shaping students into leaders.

With the experience I have gained in working at the zoo, I see myself emerging as a natural leader. Leaders are those few who do manage to balance the use of their "lever and fulcrum." In high school, I also have worked my way to positions such as; nHS President, Steel Drums Ensemble President, and Student representative to the School Board.www.liuxue.la Leadership roles like these are not something I plan to make the past after high school. In a school like CALS that has so many extracurricular activities to get involved in, I am sure obtaining positions similar to the ones I hold now would not be difficult. One of the clubs that I have seriously explored is the Pre-vet Society. veterinary School is something that I plan to pursue after college and hope to get involved in at the undergraduate level.

The building of a successful lever has only just begun for me. There is still so much that I have not seen or done. Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences, one of my greatest being volunteering at the Woodland Zoo. With all of the opportunities CALS has to offer, if given the chance to attend, I am certain that I would utilize every one; becoming not only an active member of the university, but a leader of tomorrow.



