如何写Business essay Organisation And Management Assignment

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This report was written at the request of Mr.Guillermo Merelo, Organisation Management tutor, to interview and analyse management in an organizational in the context of current management theory.

1.2 Scope and Methodology

The following report gives a range of organisational issues, researching key aspects of management within the organisation. The organisation management structure and process are analyses and evaluate in relation to current theory.

The following sources were consulted:


Hand written.

Oral queries.

The notes provided by the tutor.

Some verbal information from its employees.

1.3 Acknowledgements:

I am very thankful to Mr. Ranjit Singh to give me the opportunity to spare his valuable time in regards to the completion of the Organisation Management project assigned by my tutor.Without their immense knowledge and expertise it would not have been possible.

Thanksto our tutorMr.Guillermo Merelofor supporting and providing us with all the help and knowledge towards the completion of the project.

1.4 Executive Summary

The following aspects of the Countdown's management were investigated and analyzed, and these conclusions were drawn based on which the recommendations are suggested.

Type and size of the organization:

The 2,950sqm Countdown store is located at 227 Browns Rd, Manurewa, and will be officially opened on Wednesday 7 November at 8:00am by Louisa Wall, MP for Manurewa. The store is open to the public at 9:00am to 10pm. It is employing over 110 people full time as well as students working over there. Theyare planning to invest more capital over the next couple of years to better serve our customers. It is providing everything to the customers through its wide ranging products. It is a place where everything is available for everyone whatever the age group of the person is. Also, the stores are very well located throughout the country.

In fact, by 2015, our company progressive 40% reduction in carbon footprint is committed to helping achieve.

Organisational Structure:

Countdown is a part of progressive enterprises, a subsidiary of Woolworths limited, publicly listed Australian company. Besides to Countdown, progressive enterprises are also the coordinator for the fresh choice & SuperValue banner groups. Under that manager there are managers for regions as Auckland, wellington and Christchurch all these regions are divided into several areas. So, according to me all the area managers should manage their respective branches & area with full care & potentiality because any loss to the branch may be financial or property damage will surely affect the company's brand image which in turn will reduce the no. of stakeholders for investing money in the long run.

Environmental Factors:

New Zealanders throw away 3.6 million tones of rubbish every year. This is equivalent to more than 1,000 buses every day

We're as concerned about this as anyone, so we've been looking closely at ways to manage our resources more sustainably.

All waste paper from the printing process is shredded, bailed and recycled into cardboard, packing and building materials.

All Countdown catalogues are printed on paper with at least 50% recycled content. Overall, the paper is produced as part of a closed loop concept, allowing for maximum recovery and recycling of materials. So wood is sourced only from sustainably managed forests, the mill uses chlorine-free bleaching process and the printer uses an after-burner that converts solvents to air and water vapour.

Eco-friendly catalogues are one step we're taking to help use the planet's resources in a more responsible way and cut down unnecessary waste.

